I got very sad news to start the week, my friend Ilona's mother aged 93 after having celebrated mother's day with champagne, got a stroke during the night and on her wish was euthanized surrounded by the whole family 4 days later because she would have stayed completely paralayzed. She had made a will years ago to put an end to her life if ever this would happened despite the fact that she was very religious. She was an amazing women still lived in her apartment, did her shopping and everything alone and at the age of 85 went to Israel, Jordan and Egypt !! She had nothing at all and walked like a young girl. She was my example how to age nicely.
Here I am with Ilona and her mother on her 90th birthday ! She had never been sick in her whole life which began in a very poor family and she had to work very hard from 13 years on !
Euthanasia is allowed in Belgium if you are very ill and there is nothing to do anymore and you have filled in a special demand. That's what she had done
2. Our Facebook "Vivre à Waterloo" (living in Waterloo) had its monthly meeting in the Jollywood restaurant.

Nicole and another friend came with me. We were about 40 the man right below in the striped shirt is the founder of the group which meanwhile counts about 3000 members. We not only had a drink but we also had a little supper there. It's so nice to know people life and not only virtually.
3. The most unwelcome visitor in Belgian history unfortunately dared to visit the hell hole Brussels ! We all admired that he was so "courageous" and play with his life ! Unfortunately he survived at least so far.

To the anger of all people the streets were he drove through were closed, it was a traffic mess in Brussels and it was good that he was so protected that you couldn't even throw rotten tomatoes at him. Protesters against his visit were on the streets, what a difference to when Obama came to Brussels !

There was a flea market in Waterloo and I had a look if there was something interesting to buy, but besides this cute dog who wasn't for sale I found nothing met nobody and finally went home.
5. So far I had always refused to buy a smartphone and was with my traditional little old Samsung mobile. But then it became more and more evident that sooner or later I had to buy one, because now they started also that you can pay with your smartphone and a lot of other things. I did a market study on internet and finally bought the Samsung Galaxy J5 and ever since am busy to install all what I need. It's only the second day I have it and with some functions I am still in war !