First thing I did on Monday, I went shopping to fill in the fridge ! Before that I bought a pair of shoes, for my forthcoming holidays.
2. Ever since my friend Ilona has got a bread baking machine, I also wanted one. The smallest possible, because we are only two and I didn't want to have a monster sitting in the kitchen.

I found a very nice one the same like Ilona's ! What a dream, now I can watch TV, while mowing the lawn with Oscar the robot and making bread at the same time.
3. Belgium went crazy when they won the football (soccer) game against Algeria !

The king's brother posed with his 3 children as supporters !
The shops and banks had closed at 4 pm, to allow people to watch the game at 6 ! The streets were full of supporters, the cars horned and in several places all over the country huge screens were installed. I preferred to stay home and far from this collective hysteria !
I watched the result on TV in the News ! Fortunately there was only one incident, a young supporter who had climbed on the statue of a building had fallen down and died !
When I had bought my bread making machine, the salesman asked me if I would bake "Diables Rouges" (the Belgian Football team) bread,

and in the cat food I found a little football for the cats ! A shame, they didn't want to play with it.
4. I finally have all documents for my forthcoming holidays to Cornwall, together with Nicole, Ilona and Dominique. Nicole had asked me to come over and see the sample of the color she choose for painting her whole apartment, I found it very nice it's a light warm yellow cream color. We spent the afternoon in the sunshine on her terrace and discussed what we should take along on our holidays.
5. The room where we have our painting class was already put up for a show of Brazilian dancers for the residents of the retirement home. We were allowed to paint, but not to move the tables. It was a lot of fun, as two of us tried to dance !

A sample of the poster I had created came from the printer and looks quite well.
I finally wanted to try out my new bread making machine, put in all the ingredients like it was written, the result after 3 h was catastrophic ! I got a thick slice of bread which was humid inside and uneatable ! I called Ilona for help. She came over to look what I had done wrong and it was Mr. G. the culprit, he made a mistake in calculating ounces into grams, so there was not enough flour ! I had thought it was the machine ! We tried it out again and this time the result was good ! Tomorrow we will taste it ! One bread will cost then 0.28 € (0.38 $) instead of 2 Euros (2.70 $) for a loaf ! That's worthwhile.

After two trials, here is my first self made bread

and while Ilona helped me with the breadmaker, Mr. G. helped Dominique with her tax declaration !
more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.