Looking at our living table I suddenly found it very dirty and used. The brass of the legs and underneath had become a bit black and wasn't shiny at all anymore.
Off I went to buy some black color instead of shrubbing the brass and painted the brass in black !

It took me two days, but it was worthwhile because now it looks completely new ! I only had to paint one lay, the color covered everything at once. Instead of reading the notice before starting to paint, I read it when everything was finished. To my surprise it was a color with which you paint school blackboards ! Such thing can only happen to me, but the color is really good !
Mr. G plays Whist in his club 3 times per week, which is a good occupation for him and for me it means a "free" afternoon. After nearly 50 years of living together I think I am not the only one. Fortunately my friends have difficulties with their computers and on the days where he doesn't play cards, I send him to explain and help to solve the computer problems. This time he had a lot of work because my friend had a real mess in her computer.
My friend Bunny had her birthday. The funniest thing is that she was born on the same day, the same year with 6 hours difference as Mr. G. She in New York, he in Italy. So she calls him her "twin" brother.

I invited her to a Thai restaurant, where we had a delicious meal. When I wanted to pay at the counter a man stood behind me and I (probably) stared at him, because I thought he looks like Prince Laurent the brother of our King. Finally the curiosity won and I asked him "Monsieur are you Prince Laurent or are you his double" he smiled and answered "No I am the original" !

Prince Laurent with King Philip and Queen Mathilde
I told my friend, you see in what posh restaurant I invite you where you even meet a member of the royal family ! In reality it's a nice restaurant but not especially exceptional, the kitchen is good and the prices too.
There are still Easter school holidays and we don't have our painting class during that time as if we were still at school. Therefore instead of Monday we play scrabble on Thursdays.

This time it was at Nicole's and when I cut a piece of cake, it turned over and we laughed. Nicole instead of spring napkins had given us some from Christmas. We had a real nice afternoon ! The two (above right ladies) are 80 and 79 !
For Mr. G's birthday I had painted a photo of our grandson, by an artist in Egypt.

Mr G. was very happy with his birthday gift and even took a hammer and a nail to hang it up over the TV.
Through my Facebook group of Waterloo, I finally found somebody to do the garden. Apparently they are 3 and do everything also electricity and plumber work. Ideal for old couples ! He came punctually which is rather seldom when you wait for a worker ! Late afternoon it will be ready, hopefully.