29 Sept 2024


Brussels' lace dolls

one of my dolls





It was very windy outside and also cool I tidied up my wardrobe because I couldn't find my things anymore ! I am not an example of order in closets ! 

In the afternoon we met in the restaurant for a chat. In the evening I had a nice surprise. I was in the bathroom and suddenly the door opened (usually they knock) and a gentleman in a wheelchair rolled in. 

I told him kindly that he was in the wrong room and that I would push him back, but he didn't want to, he said that his wife was very nasty and he didn't want to go back! After I told him to call a nurse, I pushed his wheelchair in front of his door and told him he couldn't stay with me (what a horror) then I went back to my room and locked the door. Thanks God ! because 5 minutes later he tried again. I don't want to become a counselor for marital problems ! Since then I haven't seen him anymore. I noticed that the couples who live here are all, without exception full of hatred for their partners ! They avoid each other once outside their room and don't talk to each other while eating. It's real bad when one person is helpless and the other doesn't want to help.

On Sunday morning it was really cold for the season we had 3°C !! and it didn't warm up much during the day. Laure had invited me for a coffee and I had to dig out a winter jacket !! Fortunately it was warm enough in her living room because she had switched on the heating only this very morning ! She wanted to wait for the 1st of October with the heating, as it was the use in the past, but now as we have such moody seasons it's not possible anymore. 

I got a phone call from a lady from the police ! Immediately I thought that it was somebody who wanted to scare an old lady. Apparently my car was parked wrongly and my window open. I told the lady to try with another person, because my car is on a private parking and anyway what car is she talking about. She told me "white", there are lots of white cars on the parking, a big or a small car ? I thanked her and ended the conversation. But then I thought maybe I have left the window open, it had happened before, so I went to check. When I arrived at the reception there were a group of employees standing there laughing and when I approached they laughed even more. And then I realized what was going on, they had someone call me with a disguised voice! Unfortunately, I didn't respond the way they had hoped. At least we had a lot of fun and laughed a lot!

My partner in crime