24 Jul 2010


With Gattina & Shakira.

Just do a funny post, something which makes us laugh that's the most important.

And of course there also is

here at Me & My Memes

I was busy in the kitchen to prepare something light to eat for lunch and had switched on the TV because I like to watch a little crime story, while I am eating and some little murders are always distracting. I like the "Murder she wrote" style not the bloody CSI series, where they cut guts into pieces or turn a stomac upside down to find a diamond or drugs while I am eating my lunch. While I was busy I listened when my film would start. Suddenly I didn't hear anything any more. Surprised I went in the living room and what did I see ?

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Cat Arthur deeply sleeping with his head half of the remote control and the TV was on "mute". He had also changed the channel and on top of that, he was on my place, where I always use to sit and watch TV ! I put the right channel, where a male body decorated with a sharp knife in his belly was already shown and put the sound. Arthur, whom I just displaced in the middle of the sofa, didn't even open an eye.

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23 Jul 2010


more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

Our weather luck continues in our usually so rainy country, besides some heavy short summer rains, it's dry and of course the farmers complain. Usually they complain because it's too wet.

1. On Sunday I did a little walk through the weekly flea market in Waterloo and as always was quiet surprised what kind of stuff was for sale and that people bought it ! I didn't find anything. In the post below you can see the kind of things I could have bought there.

2. I also had to drive my neighbor to a hospital which I knew by name because it is quiet famous, the reception looked like a big Hotel hall, at least that was my impression. My poor friend has to go there once a month to get a shot in one eye, so that she wouldn't get blind. This desease can't be healed but at least stopped. The doctor a young woman and the staff were extremely kind and friendly and we even joked together.

3. As it was so hot inside the country Ilona and I went to the sea, only one and a half hour away. We took ombrellas, seats and pic nic along and had a wonderful day. It was very hot, 32°C (90 F) which is very unusual at the North Sea. Apparently it was the hottest day since ages, but supportable because of the little breeze. Before going home we ate the traditional crepes and had a good strong coffee and then an alcohol free beer.

4. Our "4th of July" is on the 21st of July. Of course I went there with my friend Jacqueline just for the ambiance. In the morning the major held his annual speach (on the picture he is besides me) and then greeted the people. He also came over to me, I wonder if he remembers that 30 years ago we fought about a chair and I winned and he fell on the floor.

In the evening was a concert with a Freddy Mercury imitator, he was quiet good and also sang the Jailhouse Rock from Elvis. We all had a lot of fun. The evening ended with a nice fire work.

5. The rest of my time I spent blogging and and the usual household duties. I must get very strong with the age because I broke the knife while cutting an omelet.

22 Jul 2010


more participants here

13 Things I selected for you at the flea market in Waterloo


African masks to great unwanted guests (put them in a dark corner)


A beautiful metal bed for your child


Humand sized wooden decorations for your garden or living room (I wonder if a church did sales)


Everything you need to renew in your house

a lobster as a jewelry box ?


An african laday as a floor lamp


to put in front of your bed, to get into a good mood for the day


old advertisings for smokers, for you to start smoking again


Get rid of your digital cameras and go back to the good old photo equipments


a mirror to admire your beauty


a porcelain doll with a shell skirt for your pets


elegant hats to keep your head warm


little figurines for the whole family, pets included

21 Jul 2010


more participants here


Belgian and European flag

Today is also Belgium's "National Day" with a lot of festivities in all cities and a big parade in Brussels with the Royal family.

20 Jul 2010


is here

19 Jul 2010


"The muffed target" has no special rules. Just post pictures which are not at all like you had wanted and describe how it happened. Then leave a link here on my blog for other participants.

My cat Rosie climbed in the bushes probably looking for bird nests, and as she looked so cute trying to jump, climb and balance herself with her tail, I took pictures for my cat blog.

Here you see the result. I made nice photos of the bushes and the only time I catched Rosie she had stalking lazer eyes !

the muffed target

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18 Jul 2010


More participants here at Sarcastic Mom Weekly winners

On Monday I went to the sea they had announced nice weather, but in the morning it was still a little cloudy and quiet cool. Too cool anyway to lay on the beach.

This is in Coxyde shortly before the French border. There were lots of French tourists too.

I didn't know what this tower in cross form was, apparently it is to measure the weather and sea conditions, like storms, floats etc.

We also saw this romantic wind mill which turned slowly in the wind

These are Cuistax, they exist for 8, 6, 4 or two persons and everybody pedals along the beach way. Apparently they only exists at the Belgian coast, because I have never seen them in another European country.

and of course the dunes, so nice to walk barefoot on the sand.