Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of September 15. If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.
The weatherman had announced rainy and cool weather for the weekend and as usual was wrong ! The sun was shining as if payed for.
Therefore Nicole, I and dog Charly went to a Medivial Fest in Forest, one of the 19 muncipalities of Brussels.
There were lot of things to see, to eat and it was very crowded.
We stopped here for a drink, everybody was very cheerful and it was nice to talk to people you don't know !
There was a stall preparing lamb chops, which was very interesting for Charly, he wasn't interested in the vegetables, but he liked very much the fur for sale in another stall and it was hard to convince him to leave the furs. It smelled so good !
There were also lots of things for sale, I liked the wooden beer jugs ! We didn't buy anything, but it had been nice to see some of the shows too. After 3 hours, we had enough and returned home.
On Sunday again the sun honored the day ! It was really a sun day ! It was also the yearly Sunday without cars in Brussels. No car was allowed to drive except taxis everybody had to take public transport or one of his own invention but without motor. We didn't want to go, because we thought it will be a day like in Amsterdam where in any moment a cyclist runs you over. And indeed, there were thousands on the boulevards and streets in Brussels as I could see in the news.
Instead we went to a little old town in Wallonia named Ittre, where a local feast was going on the main theme was the protection of the environment.
There was an orchestra, a lot of food and a library where you could get books for free. The buildings where surrounded by a beautful wood and park.
While Nicole studied nearly all the books and finally choose two, Charly and I sat in the sunshine and watched people.
We listened a bit to the speech of a young lady, explaining the importance of saving our planet (not our souls) and she asked the following question : "what is warm and cold, nourrishs the whole world and nobody can eat it". The answer was easy when you knew it ! What could it be ? A young girl finally found the correct answer ... "the earth" ! She won the basket with the vegetables.
On the way back to the car we stopped at the theatre to pick up the program for this season.
It's a quiet famous theatre with very good plays and the fact that there is also a restaurant where you can eat before the performance is also nice. It's easier to go there than to Brussels. It's also located in a very cute little street just besides the old blacksmith workshop.
We also went to have a look into the church, which was quiet pretty inside. Charly had to wait outside, but it was too warm so he moved inside the entrance. But when we turned around a corner he didn't see us anymore and started to bark. It made a terrible noise in this peaceful and silent church, so that we ran to take him out ! Fortunately there was nobody around. Anyway dogs are also God's creatures, and who knows if Charly's barking was not a prayer !
Before I went home we had a cup of coffee on Nicole's deck and I thought maybe this will be the last time we are able to sit outside.