5 Dec 2020


The  only lists I do are shopping lists and mostly not for me but for Mr. G. Unfortunately, he has a tendency to buy things that weren't on the list and things that were on the list he forgets. When I do a shopping list for me I mostly forget it at home ! 

Now I write in my smartphone the list of things that I have to buy, at least I won't forget it, as my phone is always with me. On the wall I have a little notebook where I write what we need during the week each time I see that it is the last package. But that doesn't work so good neither because I forget to look on it. In short, lists and me are like horse and carriage.

For birthdays, Easter and Christmas I don't get lists anymore, I get links to the wanted gift order it pay and let it send directly to the person or to me and I take it along. This is very practical. Even my ten year old grandson makes his lists this way and these are always the longest once. But I am allowed to choose amongst the various propositions ! I feel like a modern grandma and like this way of wishlists !!

Link here

4 Dec 2020


On Monday's Mr. G plays Whist and I have the whole apartment for myself ! Not that he is always in my feet but being alone is sometimes good too. So I used my time for beauty purposes, in the hope that it would improve me at least a bit ! Hairs, nails, long shower and peace !! Little Rosie had started her dayly sleep after having slept the whole night.


According to the sanitary rules we are allowed to shop now nearly everything, but only one person for 30 min ! This is theory. In practical life it looks a bit different. Nicole who doesn't drive anymore due to her cancer therapy needs a driver and I proposed to take her with me ! I went in the shop took a desinfected caddie and rushed to the place where Christmas ornaments and decoration where displayed ! Nicole meanwhile had entered the shop too and was looking if there was something interesting to buy. Occasionally we met and said hello to each other and continued chatting with 1.50m distance between us.

 I found quickly what I wanted and made a good bargain. And then it was really funny

 because we met our third lockdown friend who was there by coincidence. So we were 3 ! Nobody checked how long we stayed but anyway we didn't  and returned home ! 

On Wednesday I drove Nicole to a store where she had ordered new frames for her round windows. Of course they didn't know, Corona is a brake for everybody who wants to work ! After that we went for a coffee to her house. Since restaurants and cafes are still closed you have to have your drink at somebody's place ! Poor owners ! what a loss of money. 

When I had finished with my decorations I stated that a few light garlands were missing. Reluctantly I went to one where usually people line up in long lines to be allowed to get in. To my surprise there was nobody ! I was the only one and in the shop maybe 3 people. Was I lucky and I could buy what I wanted but I didn't take an alarm clock with me to ring after 30 min !

Now as it had become cold I noticed that there was something wrong with the heating. The thermostat didn't  indicate the right temperature. I called the service and they came early morning and had to replace a piece ! Fortunately it's done know, and not when the temperatures are going under 0° !

and so another week went by the difference for the next week will be that we are sitting in Christmas decorations ..... ! for the next three weeks !

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

3 Dec 2020


While two of the other major dictionaries selected pandemic as their word of the year, Oxford came up with a long list including-bushfire, impeachment, acquittal, coronavirus, COVID-19, lockdown, social distancing, reopening, Black Lives Matter, Cancel Culture, BIPOC, mail-in, belarusian, moonshot, net zero (read more about each word here) 

Of the words listed which ONE would you say should be in the number 1 spot? Which word/phrase on this list would you be happy to never hear again?

1. I choose the word "lockdown" ! It's now the second time that we are prisoners here in Belgium, with absurd rules, for example car wash open, but hairdressers closed and one person to invite for Christmas ! I blame not only our gouvernment but also the once of all the other countries and above all the EU who doesn't manage that all European countries have the same rule ! Belgium is such a small country that if you drive 200 km from Brussels, you arrive in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Luxemburg. What happenes if the rules in another country are better, you take your car and go there ! Especially those who live close to the border !

2. What one word from your own list of words describing this year sums up/best reflects your 2020? Tell us why. 

A part from the fact that we moved from our house into an apartment, which made a change in our lives of course, the whole year was rotten and I wished I could erase it !

 I couldn't travel at all, my Egypt holidays, and another, it was all impossible ! If the country and hotels were not a problem then there were no flights ! I am not getting younger and I don't know if I am still able next year ! 

3. Do you like peppermint? Peppermint mocha, a candy cane, peppermint bark, peppermint tea, York Peppermint Pattie, peppermint ice cream...of the peppermint treats listed, which one is your favorite? Will you bake anything featuring peppermint this holiday season? 

I hate peppermint ! even in toothpaste ! The only peppermint taste I like is in Moroccan tea, but they add other spices to it and it is made with fresh peppermint so that's OK.. 

4. Besides Christmas, what do you associate the color red with? How about the color green? 

I love red, I have many clothes where red dominates and in our home too. Red is a cheerful and warm color and often associated with love. Green, however, I hate it's a cold color in painting and a green painted wall makes the room cold. !  I only love green in nature, the woods, tree, grass, plants etc.

5. Is your tree up? Real or artificial? Is your house decorated? Is your shopping done? Started? Wrapped? On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Scrooge-like and 10 being Buddy the Elf, how's your Christmas spirit? 

No the tree is not up ! In fact I didn't want to decorate our home this year which I decided on a bad mood and  because I was angry and had sworn to never celebrate Christmas again. Mr. G doesn't care anyway! And when we moved I had given everything away ! Now when I see Christmas trees everywhere I suddenly wanted to decorate our new home. So I had to buy new decoration ! 

I went into the second hand shop in favor of battered women and bought what I needed ! I thought it would be funny if I buy back the things I had given them in June !! I was very happy with what I had found for very little money only 20 € and have started to decorate our living room. 

Now I heard that we will be alone on Christmas eve, because our son had decided that it would be more careful not to come, and finally I don't care anymore ! I arrived at a point where all these things don't matter to me anymore and I will be happy to celebrate my first Christmas on a computer screen, in Christmas video conference ! At least it will be the first time in my life !

 6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I think that all these year end festivities will be rather sad for many of us. I can understand the people who would celebrate as they used to do in the past  dispite the rules, maybe reduce a little bit the number. Even in my case where we would only be four adults and one child I would break the rule ! Because we are only allowed to invite one person ! Which is completely absurd, because usually your children are married or your parents, and what to do then, let one outside on a chair ?? I think our politicians are all out of their mind !  I am sure that they will  break their own rules !! 



2 Dec 2020


Falcon show

1 Dec 2020


For once I have some pictures of my town, which I took out of my car. The sun was shining and there were a lot of people walking in the woods and parks.

One real Christmas tree was in the second center of Waterloo. Waterloo is very long and is located along the chaussee de Waterloo/Brussels.The first center coming from Brussels would be at the church.

This is The European School of Brussels-Argenteuil  a private, school located on the grounds of the Château d'Argenteuil, in Waterloo, 15 km south of Brussels, Belgium.

surrounded by wood and parks

The Music Chapel of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium. The origins of the Music Chapel rest on two strong personalities: Queen Elisabeth, a violinist keen to help young talents, and Eugène Ysaÿe, one of the greatest violinists and composers of his time. Both wanted to support emerging artists through a highly specialized school and an international competition. The competition has been renowned from the start and was to become the Queen Elisabeth Competition. The Music Chapel was inaugurated on 11 July 1939. It is famous for teaching exceptionally talented young musicians.

The church of Waterloo which served as hospital during the battle of Waterloo in 1815

Fortunately there are still some fields and woods around Waterloo, lot of these have disappeared and houses were built ! When we  moved to Waterloo in 1975, it was a village !

Chateau d'Argenteuil, once occupied by Leopold III King of Belgium with his second wife and children.
It belonged to the State and is on sale by now ! You can only see it from far.

 and when I came home, I took this picture through my kitchen window !

more participants here

30 Nov 2020


Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 




The weekend went by quite quickly, I had to do my shopping for the whole week and of course it took me a little more then the granted 30 min shopping time decided by the Lockdown committee. It's obvious that this rule must have been decided by a man who never does shopping ! How can a mum with 3 children aged from 3 to 15 shop in 30 minutes ?? He should have tried at least once ! 

My childhood friend from Germany called me for a chat, the rules are almost the same she can walk around and her husband plays golf the only sport allowed, and for the poors ? what sport ? They will spend Christmas just with one daughter and her husband, they live quite close to them. She has two other children with families ! Not so easy to choose !

I have no idea how we will spend Christmas, all depends if it's not too difficult to travel from the Netherlands to Belgium, because there are papers requested and tests to be made ! It's also crazy because we are limited to 4 people but have a curfew from 10 pm to 6 pm. I think they have to change the rules not all people are ready to respect these sometimes not very logical once.

The weather was beautiful but cold and I thought that's nice for photo hunting. Which I did but sitting in my car the window open. I had a bit of difficulties with breathing. I drove around in the sunshine and took pictures, it was nice.


a Christmas tree in one part of the city, a pity that it was too light because it is very beautiful !


The trees in the wood looked a bit creepy without leaves


The week ended with our lockdown meeting, we met at Nicole's and I forgot to take a few pictures of her cat which I would have needed for my cat blog. 

The main subject of our chats was Christmas celebrations, New Year was not that important ! In normal times we celebrate Christmas with the family and New Year with friends. But for my two friends it was more difficult as for us, because they are more people as allowed, only counting the family ! 

I think this year there will be many infractions ! Some people prefer to be with their loved once and take the risk to get the virus, especially the old people who think it could be their last Christmas ! When you are 80 or 90 it could well be possible !