more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
1. After aqua gym Dominique and I went to the new store which really sells everything to surprising cheap prices.

I found these solar lamps, which accumulate the light during the day and shine bright during the night. It looks really nice all along the entrance.

After that, we went to our little Greek restaurant and had a nice Pita !
2. The next day I had to go back to the store, because one of the lamps didn't work and I had to change it

When I parked my car, I was with my thoughts I don't know where, and suddenly saw a man in front of me ! I jumped on my brakes to stop the car, when I realized that the guy was only an advertising ! I exchanged my lamp and of course came out with other things which I suddenly needed !

For the first time this year I could sit outside and enjoy the sun together with Nicole and dog Charlie. What a feeling ! I had come over to help her 86 year old neighbor to connect to Internet, she had bought a laptop and had Wifi installed, but she didn't know anything about a computer ! I finally managed to connect her computer to Internet and she was very happy. She had realized that even at her age it's never too late to learn something, especially for making her payments. She has no car and the bank is far away. First thing now she has to learn is making her payments "online". Nicole is sharing the Internet with her, so we went to her flat and I connected the Internet on her computer too. First it didn't work, although the connection was done and then we realized that the walls were so thick, that it didn't go through. We changed the place and it worked ! I was rather proud of myself I have to admit, because it was the first time I had helped out for an Internet connection.

In my free time I work on a book, called "Cat Chats". It's almost finished I had downloaded all the posts I wanted to be published, with the help of "SharedBook". There are still some corrections to do with the layout. But it already looks quiet nice.

Since last year I was dreaming of a lawn mower robot ! It became more and more hard for me to mow the lawn, although it's a rather small piece. But still carrying around the heavy machine and pushing it left me quiet exhausted. So when I heard that the Garden shop was closing down and I could get a cheaper price, I ran to the shop after my painting class and bought the last one, apparently other people had the same idea !! Was I happy ! It's not heavy at all, and doesn't need a special installation. All I have to do is charging the battery put the thing on the grass push a button and off it goes. Of course I couldn't try it out yet, because after our "spring" break with sunshine and warm temperatures, snow and frost is announced for the weekend ! But at least I have my toy !