I also went to Nicole to report my holidays in Amsterdam and see little Isis, the cat she had adopted from a shelter.

Isis had put on some weight, which was necessary and had taken possession of the whole apartment. She doubtless has become the queen of her domain. She is very sociable and her cross eyed look always makes me laugh.
We also got together for a scrabble first time since a month, because some of us were on holidays. It was warm and wee enjoyed playing outside only one game, the heat made us lazy and we had a long coffee break, actually it wasn't a break because we didn't continue.
The rest of my time I spent thinking of my suitcase for my big trip and wash and put clothes aside I want to take along. Packing a suitcase is not a problem but to think of everything and to forget nothing is another story. I still have two days left to check if I have everything.

Because this time it is a very big trip through 10 countries it needed some paperwork too, for Russia, the other countries were not a problem they are part of Europe and my passport was enough.
It seems that the weather will be very nice everywhere and even sometimes hot ! So I don't need thick clothes. What an exceptional summer we have.
I leave on Sunday morning and from now on I will report about my trip whenever I can, but I am certainly not able to answer your comments !
I am travelling together with a friend who speaks English too and we will come back on August 23.