Each day I am reminded that I live in a very dangerous world, where birds, cows and pigs disguised in a dangerous flu attack the humans . First this plague was called Mexican flu, the Mexicans protested and it became the swine flu, but the poor creatures were innocent so they looked for another name which wouldn't hurt anybody and came out with a chemical formula called H1N1 or something like that. In french it sounds like "ash-eww-ain-eww" so it's difficult to keep in mind. The Britts found a better solution and stayed with the swine or piggy flu.
Although the expected piggyflu massacre hasn't happened yet, there are lots of preparation to do to affront the danger. Graveyards are instructed to foresee more graves, in supermarkets wet tissues are at your disposal to clean the trolley handle, your hands and everything you touch. I think I should wear gloves, a mask or better I should stay home. Or maybe we all should live like Howard Hughes. But there are my 5 cats, potential cat flu candidates and if the piggy flu is over maybe there will be the cat flu.
This morning I found an email in french which I translated for you. I don't know who made this text but I really think there is a lot of truth in it :
Each year
1 million people die of Malaria, while a simple moskito net could help, nobody talks about it
2 million children die of diarrhea a simple serum could help, no newspaper mentions that
10 million people die of pneumonia, measels etc, which could be prevented by a simple vaccin and again no Newspaper mentioned it.
Fortnately 10 years ago the bird flu appeared and Newspapers all over the world had finally a wonderful subject. The most dangerous plague ever, they said a terrible desease very very dangerous ! And what happened ....some 250 people died in 10 years of the bird flu, while the ordinary flu killes half a million per year in the whole world !
So why governments worldwide made such a fuss out of the bird flu ? Because behind there was money ! The International company Roche created TAMIFLU which was sold per millions to the asiatic countries and the UK too bought 14 millions doses to protect its population. Thanks to the birdflu Roche and Relenza the biggest pharmaceutical companies made billions of dollars benefit.
And now it's the turn of the pigs, yes now the psychosis starts with the swine flu and the worldwide mass media only talks about that. So what should we think about that ? After the very good profit making with the birds now it's the turn of the swines or better said of a big sow. The shareholders of the above mentioned companies are happy and rub their hands in glee. The different governemts need again a lot of Tamiflu and the new developped vaccin.
and we just should pay and panic

Are you the only survivor of this planet ? Yeah, they forgot to vaccinate me !