Mr. G. and son D. got the instruction to share the costs for a new Madame GPS for me. Finally I found one which fulfils all my wishes, and also a shop where it was 30 € cheaper !
Today I went to the shop to buy my new GPS. When the shopowner saw me entering his shop, he made a face as if he couldn't believe that such a grandma dared to enter his kingdom.
A women my age is not supposed to know anything about computers or internet or anything close to it. In some way he is right, because amongst my friends only very few use internet and don't really know what a computer is, except that it bites.
He took the GPS from the shelf, put it on the cash desk and ask me to pay. I told him that first I had a few questions concerning map updates with the computer. He rolled his eyes invisibly to the ceiling, probably expecting a lot of stupid questions. But when I started to speak and told him what I had done so far googling through the net to get all informations about all Garmin GPSs, his eyes almost popped out of his head. To some questions he didn't even know the answers and I had to explain them to him. As he only knew the things in French, but Garmin is in English and the French translation rather bad, he quickly realized that I don't have to be in my 30th to have some know how and that there are also exceptions in grandmas. I think for Grandpas he would have accepted these facts more easily.
Finally he was so startled that his whole world collapsed because apparently women are not that stupid as he thought. Now he didn't want to let me go ! When I arrived he was in a hurry to get rid of me, now it was the opposite. He even asked me questions ! Of course from computers itself I don't know anything or very little, but when it comes to Internet and everything which comes with it, I can hold the position.
At the end he offered his services if ever I had a problem with my GPS and even held the door open so a could walk out (head up !) !
Now I have to wait until July 8th to become a proud owner of my new Madame GPS, and I hope that she will be a responsible adult and not a teenager in puberty who sends me amongst the cows again !

Modern times !