she : Then take it out !
he : why ?
she : Instead of discussing make the coffee !!
he : But the filter is in !
he : you see, you are always shouting at me !
she : I don't shout !!! take the filter out I want some coffee !
he : See, you are shouting again
she : I am not !!
he : yes you are
she : I want my coffee !!!
he : me too
she : then take this dammit filter out
he : OK, but this is the last time
she : "sigh"
he : why are you sighing ?
she : I didn't
he : yes you did, it's always my fault I can do what I want for you, you are never satisfied.
she : what does that mean now ?
he : yes you are bitching the whole day !
she : Me ?? Never ! you are !
he : I am not
she : yes you do, only yesterday you told me I put the plastic bottle in the wrong garbadge bag !
he : but you did
she : maybe, and why didn't you take it out ?
he : Why should I ? you put it in.
she : But you saw it !
he : yes, I saw it, you never see anything, I have to do everything in this house !
she : that's not true ! Do you do the laundry, fold it and put it in the wardrobe, switch the dishwasher on and do the shopping ? You just do nothing, tell me what you do !
he : I do a lot !
she : Nothing, you do nothing !
he : You see, you are always agressing me, you are bad tempered !
she : I am NOT ! you always just sit around
he : I don't sit around.
she : OK then you lay around that's the same
he : it's not the same
she: yes it is
he : no, it is not !
to be continued until they are laying in the graveyard. Not side by side, because they probably would argue over the coffins