Another Coronavirus week went by ! Everybody I know is fed up we would if we were younger probably protest on the street against some so stupid rules !
I shouldn't complain because I still have a lot of work to do with unpacking bags and boxes. But I don't always feel like it, and with this hot and humid weather I get breathing difficulties when I move too much. So everything has to go slowly slowly and mostly I do it on Thursdays when mein cleaning lady can help me.

I had to go to my former neighbor who was so kind and stock my paintings which I want to keep ! I had to sort out which one I would throw away and which I would like to keep for an exhibition. I managed half of the work but then it was so hot we had to stop !
We had lunch together in the same restaurant as last week and the week before, the Italian one "Dolce Vita" we feel good there, we don't have to give our names and don't have to wear masks when you stand up and leave the table ! Everybody is friendly enjoys the real Italian food and the palm trees gives us the impression to be on holidays and not sitting in the middle of an open parking space ! Two men played chess and Corona seemed to be far away !
I had ordered 4 South America style cushion for my black sofa and today came another one now I have three the forth will follow, it comes from Peru. The designs and colors are so pretty !
We also visited our friend Nicole who has started her second week of radio and chimio therapy, she still looks good hasn't lost wait or hair but is very tired. She was happy to see us she loves company when she is not too tired. Her daughter still takes care of her because she is afraid to be alone during the night. For the day there is no problem if the daughter wants to have a break or go home or shopping, we are all there to keep Nicole company until her daughter is back. It's so sad.
Today we had 31° C again and no sunshine at all, the air was thick and not easy to breathe under the masks. Rosie doesn't care she observes the garden and what is wandering around.
The above two pictures show my view from the terrace ! 3 days they were cutting the hedge because the property is enormous and that in the middle of Waterloo ! It was an awful noise from 8.30 am until 4.30 pm !
As you can see at 7 pm we still had 32°C !
I watched a bit TV with Mr. G. but he was tired and went to bed and I stayed outside and looked at the dark sky without stars ! Probably a little thunderstorm in the air.
And while I was writing this post the neighbor cat watched me under the door !