Ever since I returned from my cruise I am not feeling well. The return flight which should have taken 2 h at the most, took finally 6 h waiting time and a stop in Frankfurt, Germany and we arrived at 1 am at home ! It took me nearly a week to recover from another cold, which I probably caught waiting in the airports. I think from now on I won't take a plane anymore only if it's impossible otherwise. I would rather take a train or a bus, I have time.
As it didn't get better I finally went to my Doctor. Now I have to go to a physiotherapist ! I am so fed up, I always had a very good health and wasn't sick before all my miseries happens. My Doctor, between the lines, told me that I am so fragile since Rieck's passing away, and I have to recover psychologically too.
My friend Laura whose husband died a month ago came for a coffee and to admire my terrace.
She is in the same situation as I was last year, drowning in paperwork, despite a notary ! It's even worse because her husband was working for his own and not an employee.
My son had come for a day from Amsterdam and had cleaned the terrace and put a new carpet on it. I am very happy with the result ! As I once had complained that bottles are so heavy to carry, he did his shopping, and bought for me 6 crates of non-alcoholic beer and 3 with sparkling water. Now I have to drink certainly for a few months ! It was really nice of him. He is like his father or he buys not enough or for a whole army.
Even Rosie who during the whole winter didn't go out, loves the new "living room" and watches the birds from there. My two neighbors came on Wednesday and as it was so warm, instead of buying a cake I had bought strawberries which tasted real good. But suddenly we had to carry everything inside as it started to rain.
I am still struggling with my my papers to check and file and was looking for somebody to take care of this as I am not myself yet, I am afraid to make mistakes. Isabelle who solves all problems for me, proposed to do it for me and once everything is in order we will meet regularly and she will play my "secretary". Fortunately she checked my tax filing, because she found a paper in their which apparently I hadn't sent to the tax office to get quite a lot of money back from Rick's last pension ! Maybe we will find more money !
When I wanted to take my car out of the garage I suddenly saw this car with a license plate painted in black and white strokes over the numbers. I hadn't noticed that before and thought, what the heck is that now, maybe a drug dealer who had hidden his goods here in our garage.

I informed the building administrator ! Maybe the car is stolen. Who knows.
That was all what happened this week ! Aw yes I managed to take pictures from the Garda Lake, Rick's home on my television they are quite good, as if I had been there, but what it had changed !! I hardly recognized it; In 68 when I saw Torbole for the first time, it was a sleepy little village, and now it's known internationally for windsurf !!