Arthur as a kitten same size as the remote control, he brought us as gift this enormous cord bone from the neighbor's dog, he loved to eat and to steal from plates, he even loved babies and toddlers and he loved me.
I had forgotten to figure out a life without my cat Arthur. 18 years he lived with me, got on my nerves, annoyed the neighbors, went with the mailman from mailbox to mailbox and was the most social cat I have ever known. He loved guests, the more the better, he helped workers in the street and neighbors in their garden, digging holes. He stole steaks from the guests plates, ate an apple pie during the night, liked to drive in a car and climbed in all open cars. I heard from neighbors that he slept in their beds ! He was a celebrity and everybody loved him.
So today it was an awful day when I had to call the vet and asked her to put him asleep for ever. He was at his end, he was sleeping when she came and didn't even wake up. We sat beside him and after the final shot his heart stopped to beat. It was the end.
Now we have to learn to live without his loud meows, and all the naughty things he had done and which made us laugh so much. He was such a funny cat. It will take a long time until we get used that he is not longer between our feet, but he will stay forever in our hearts.
Linking to Linda G. Hills SOCS - Figure out