2. School has started again after 2 months, the streets are full again and the whole country seems to wake up ! I had my first aqua gym class and it was nice to see my classmates again.
They were all a bit rusty and had some difficulties to follow our "teacher". For me it was not difficult at all, as I continue my yoga exercises every morning.
3. Nicole since months was looking for a bathroom cabinet with two wash basins. I think she went to all stores and shops here around and as usual couldn't take any decision. Finally I had enough hearing all the time that she couldn't find a cabinet and took her to Ikea. She was very reluctant, because in her mind Ikea was a shop with cheap stuff and of not very good quality. When she saw the choice of bathroom furniture from simple to very elegant, she couldn't believe it. Finally we found a nice cabinet in white with dark grey doors. The poor sales girl was extremely kind and patient and explained and explained and even carried the double sink to show her how it would look like. I lost my patience and convinced Nicole to buy this one, which she finally did. Now she is very happy. We had a nice lunch at Ikea strolled a little around and then returned home. Outside it was raining so it was the perfect day for a visit to Ikea.
4. Then the sun came out again, it was too cold to sit on our terrace but Ilona's was perfect. I hadn't seen her for quite a while, so we had a lot to chat. Her grandson got married and she told me about the wedding. I thought we have exactly the same age, her grandson marries, and her great granddaughter has the same age as my grandson whose wedding, if he ever marries I certainly will not see anymore.
Grandson Toby with his Nonno (grandpa)
5. For the last day of the week summer weather showed up again and probably for the last time I could sit outside and do my blogging.

While I wrote my post I watched Oscar the lawn mower robot mowing the lawn, not as a human would do going up and down and cutting the grass in lines, no, Oscar seemed to run on wine, because he was zig zagging across the lawn but at the end the result was the same.