Unfortunately I couldn't find a photo of an egg colored with wax sticks.
When on Easter morning I had found all my real colored eggs together with chocolate bunnies and chocolate eggs, I put the colored eggs in a little basket and ran out to play with the other kids our Easter games. The once I remember was letting roll an egg down a hill and the owner of the egg which wasn't broken was the winner and got from each player an unbroken (of course) egg ! The other one was kicking two eggs together and the winner again was the one whose egg had survived. Sometimes I came home with so many eggs that my mother sent me away to give them to other children !
I did the same of course with our son. I decorated the house with bunnies and little fluffy yellow chicks, Easter bunnies and a bouquet of branches with blown out colored eggs (later plastic once) little bunnies and all kind of easter decoration. (This year's decoration is below)
our eggs this year ! I put them in a triangle for Photo Hunters.
When I moved to Belgium the easter traditions were completely different. I wrote about it last year here on my old blog. No bunnies, no eggs, but bells and fishes !
Today of course it's the same. Easter egg hunts are oraganized in all cities and you see bunnies everywhere ! But the eggs are still brought by the bells of Rome !