Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of September 3. You never know if you need an alibi ! If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.
The whole week it was grey and rainy and rather cool 15° (59 F) then on Friday suddenly we went up to 25° (77) and Saturday even 33 ° (!) (91) and now on Sunday again back to only 18°C (64). Of course I catched a cold, as I probably didn't dress accordingly to this roller coaster weather. So I felt rather lousy took some medication and wanted to rest in my bed.

No way to rest ! Our neighbor has big works going on by adding a second floor to his house ! The whole day they hammered and my other neighbor had new windows put in, which fortunately made less noise ! Finally I hid myself behind the TV and watched crime stories, I thought maybe some little murders will let forget me my cold. At least I didn't hear the hammering because our living room is on the backside of the house.
In the afternoon I felt a little better and thought I'll quickly go to the "Environment festival" which took place in the park of Waterloo. It was hot and sunny and I took some pictures

when I suddenly felt that something strange followed me ! I turned around, saw nothing and then at my feet a robot ! A lawnmower !! I thought it can only happen to me to be persecuted by a lawnmower ! I found this thing very practical and observed it for a while, indeed it mowed nicely while you could sit in your chair and read or go shopping. Coming home I informed Mr. G. that in the future I want to buy one, for our little piece of grass it would be ideal. The rest of the day I was suffering from the heat it was humid and I just hanged around between Computer and TV.
On Sunday I thought I went crazy if I don't go out and I also absolutely wanted to take pictures of a folklore festival in the heart of Brussels. I thought I won't stay long and I was lucky to arrive
just in time when the giants were walking through the street.

Despite the bad weather it was very nice, but I will tell more about it in "Our World" on tuesday.
Still I managed that my wallet was stolen out of my purse with 7 compartments and zips ! Apparently I had left one zip open and that was enough. These pick pockets are real artists. Unfortunately for him this wallet I only use as case to keep my camera in it, so the poor pick pocket got nothing but an empty wallet ! My camera was in my hand, fortunately ! Good for him !