26 Feb 2021


This week I was almost exclusively busy organizing the various appointments for Mr. G. He has to do 4 examinations because unfortunately the neurologist has diagnosed a beginning of Parkinson's. There are various types of Parkinson, he doesn't tremble at all, but is confusing time and days. Not all the time but especially in the morning and evening, he also doesnn't walk very well and is very slow.

That was a shock for me, of course, but there are very good medications today, which can help to lead a normal life. I also have a nurse from the social service who comes twice a week to prepare the medication so that he does take them correctly. She also has to take care of his room. I'll see how it works, maybe she has to come more often. I have not the physical strength to take care of an 1.89 m tall man. I try to be strong, but sometimes I it's just too much. Our son lives far away and the borders are closed and anyway he doesn't help me and cheer me up a bit. He always had a "strong" mother and now he has difficulties to see that she is not that strong ! Fortunately I have my friends who help me and listen to my worries. 

I try to continue my usual lockdown life and we continue our Corona babble club and our Scrabble. That does me real good to have a break and get some fun. I can't get a burn out now, so I try to protect myself as much as I can. Then once he has his medication, I hope it will be normal again. 

He likes to be alone at home and watches TV or sleeps. So there is no problem. 

Today I had my car washed because I have to go for the technical survey of my car, the first time is after 4 years and then each year at the same date. Apparently they have changed now and after the 5th year it's all two years when you have to check it again.

I don't think there is something at my car, but you never know. 


The weather is wonderful we nearly have summer temperatures and I could easily take a sunbath if I would have the time. Today the beach bed arrived just in time ! so I can take some Vitamine B on our terrace.  As it is only end February the stores don't have beach beds in stock so I ordered it on internet and was happy that it was even with a sun protection, I don't like the sun shining on my head.

I really wonder when we get our normal life back. In my special case I am even lucky that there is still the lockdown, so I don't have to regret that I can't move !




more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

25 Feb 2021


1. Your favorite cleaning product? Do you clean your own house or hire out? Most disliked household chore? What one chore do you not mind so much? 

I don't have a favorite cleaning product, because I don't clean that's the job of my brave Maria who works for us since at least 10 years. I have always worked in a big company with lots of responsibilities and with a baby and cooking in the evening I just had no time for that, I preferred to spend time with my child then with the household. Fortunately I earned enough money to hire one cleaning lady.

 2. It's Canned Food Month...do you use a lot of canned goods? What are the three canned items you purchase most often? Last thing you made using a canned ingredient? 
I very seldom use canned food, can't even remember when and what it was.  Maybe Frankfurter sausages and red beans for a Chili con Carne. I prefer by far frozen food, but fresh fruits. 

 3. Can of worms, anything can happen, can you imagine?, as best I can, kick the can down the road, more than one can take, no can do, not if I can help it...choose an idiom and tell us how you currently relate.
I had never heard "kick the can down the road" and of course why kicking a can down a road ?? That makes no sence, first it is noisy and I would rather prefer a ball. But then as usual when I have any doubts about the meaning of an idiom, because in each language they are different I googled and got the explanation which I liked !  
Ignore a problem in the hope that it will go away.

4.The last Tuesday in February is National Spa Day. Are you someone who enjoys a day at the spa? Last time you visited a spa? Do you have a favorite spa? Are salons open for business in your area? Have you made changes to your hair and nail routine since Corona hit? In what way? 
I love spending a day at the spa or even a week ! but it is a long time ago I did do that, meanwhile I preferred to travel and spent a spa day only when I was in "my" hotel in Egypt. Anyway we are still in Lockdown and spending a SPA day is not allowed, they just opened the hairdressers which was more then necessary. I changed my hairdresser because I found one who cut our hairs at home, otherwise I haven't changed anything and for the time we can't go out, I don't put anything on my nails.

5. Believe it or not this is the last Hodgepodge of the month. In one sentence sum up your February.
I only need a word to sum up my February : BORING 

 6. Insert your own random thought here.
I have more and more the feeling that nothing special happens, each day is the same routine and the days fly by and then the year (I hope not years) Although I try to make the best of the situation I start to forget things, I don't remember the day we are when I wake up, and I don't care about hours, if I don't have an appointment. When I think that we started the first lockdown in March and are still in prison just with a little interruption. I am getting more and more angry too ! I live in a so said democratie and am not allowed to travel ! Also our government is a desaster, they have not ordered enough vaccins ! We are far behind on the world wide vaccination list !



24 Feb 2021



This is Coco the parrot of the animal shop where I buy Rosie's food. He doesn't speak, but he whistles when I turn around to go into another direction, like men used to do when I was younger !!




more participants here, and Image-in-ing

23 Feb 2021


Very close to where I live is this park which belonged and was named after the grandfather of Count Ernest-John Solvay a rich buisiness man, passionate about the castle and its park, he transformed it  and gave it its current prestige and configuration. 

It was also he who undertook extensive landscaping of the park, the planting of exotic species,  and he donated it in 1968  to the State who opened it to the public. 

The castle, today used for marriages and meetings

Towards the farm which today is  a lovely restaurant and café where you can sit outside and overlook a part of the park

There is a rather big pond with lots of ducks and fat fishes (thanks to the many visitors)

Lots of apple trees are here too and at harvest time an apple festival is organized and you can pick up the apples for free.

This is my favorite terrace attached to the restaurant, where we often sit when the weather is nice, after a nice walk along the pond and through the woods..

The  farm and its inside court

From the entrance it is a long way to walk before arriving at the farm

On the other side of the park are the stables which today hosts horses used for autistic children.


It is a very pleasant park an during weekends when the weather allows, summer and winter it's packed with people coming from Brussels to catch a bit of fresh air !

You can read more about the park and Castle here in my Country & City blog



more participants here

22 Feb 2021



More participants here at Awwwww Monday 



It was a real lazy lockdown weekend where we didn't do anything. The weather was sunny and real beautiful but unfortunately with a cold wind. I wanted to go shopping in the afternoon, but was so lazy as if I had cleaned the whole Buckhingham palace, and to tell the truth, I didn't do anything only answering comments, my brave Maria put the laundry away and cleaned our personal Buckhingham palace.

We watched a bit TV and I found a beachbed with umbrella, because I could already use it now in February on our balcony which is very big and gets really hot ! We had 26°C in the sun and Belgium measured the hottest February day ever with 18°C in the shade !! And last weekend we had - 10° !!!

Miss Rosie warmed up her bottom and I could leave the window open. So I stayed home.

On Sunday it seemed to be even warmer because there was no wind. On the playground in the park across the street in front of our buiding there were lots of people with kids and dogs walking around. 

In the afternoon we were invited at Nicole's and Mr. G. this time came with me, I think he also has enough of staying home alone. 

And another week is gone, soon we are end February and still in prison, today a year ago the first Coronavirus landed from nowhere in Italy !!

21 Feb 2021


Once the from our City organized excursions lead us to a tram museum not the one in Brussels but in another region. 

I love the old trams, when I was studying in Brussels center, I had to take one every day and it  was the old trams with wooden seats and 1st 2nd and 3rd class, when it was a tram which went from one city to another. 

We even had a tram which took us from Brussels city center to the Lion of Waterloo which was quite a long way. Of course all this doesn't exist anymore, now in Brussels we have the very modern trams which look like an airplane without wings !

This was already quite modern, the drivers seat !

and here you have the seats of the 2nd class, the first class had fabric and was far more comfy !

When the tram was full people had to stay outside in winter or summer

This must be a tram from the 60th

This one a little older

How I wished to do this excursion again ! (with new suitcases bought on Internet due to lockdown)

and today trams

More participants here Sunday Selection