13 Training courses for men1. Learn how to live without mum ( 2000 hours)
2. My wife is not my mother, my nurse or my servant (550 h)
3. How to handle the remote control syndrome (200 h)
4. How not to sprinkle the toilet (100 h with video and practical excercises)
5. How not to transform the bathroom into a public swimming pool (150 h)
6. How to survive a cold without thinking that the last hour is near (250 h)
7. How to choose clothing alone (200 h)
8. How to find the dirty laundry basket without getting lost (150 h)
9. How to learn the definition of a vacuum cleaner and to use it (300 h)
10. How to use houshold appliances (250 h)
on = start
off = stop
11. How to prepare Quick soups without burning the water, practical excercises to prepare Spaghettis, first boil water then add spaghettis etc (300 h)
12. How to prepare coffee and serve it without inondations (150 h)
13. How to prepare chips in oil and not cook them in water