Fortunately I had quite a lot to do with photo creations and the day flew by only too quickly. In the morning I had my aqua gym with another "teacher", the exercises were more hard to do but I managed the result was that after lunch when I watched my little crime series which I fortunately had recorded, I fell asleep and only saw the beginning and nearly the end, I woke up just in time before the murderer was known and quickly did "rewind" !
2. We had to put the heating on again, what a difference to only a few days ago. Besides going quickly out for food shopping I spent the day behind my computer and did street watch. There was not much to see only moody people who had to walk their dogs. I am lucky, my cats walk themselves alone !
3. With the storm a big branch from the rather far away weeping willow which belongs to my neighbor just besides our house, had been blown into our garden !

And not only on the grass but on the bushes too ! Our neighbor is the most awkward person in the whole street. He never cuts anything in his garden and it's all growing wildly. To complaints he doesn't listen, he just smiles and walks away. Mr. G. carried the branch over to him, and put it on his entrance. There was nobody. So far we haven't heard of him, because on top of that he is a real coward ! He and his wife were working in a insurance company, they should know what damage that costs ! It is also illegal to have such a huge tree in your yard, but as long as nobody moves, he doesn't care !

This weekend we have our yearly painting exhibition and I spent the whole afternoon with preparing my paintings, put nails and cords on them, painted the borders I had forgotten to paint and made a label to put on my paintings.
5. It was a lot of work to prepare our exhibition !

Everybody had brought his master pieces, and we put them all on the table, so that our teacher could select the once which would be selected. Our "administrator" used her bell again, before she gave her instructions.

The work tools lay on the table and the paintings too

Finally the selection was done, and tomorrow we will hang up the paintings and decorate the tables with the paintings for little easels.
I returned home and in the afternoon I drove my friend to the hospital to get her eye shot !