My cousin who had arrived yesterday decided to add another day because we got so well together. We had a lot of laughter because of our complicated families.

I thought I was an only child and had no relatives anymore and then I discovered a whole bunch, from my grandma and grandpas side, whose parents were very fertile ! 12 children on both parts Of course it's impossible that I know them all, but still I inherited a young cousin of 86, a direct one !
For the first time in a camper !
We went to the Lac Genval and tried to put our relatives together. There were a lot of "family secrets" coming out. She knew a completely other version of her parents, which I didn't know, I knew a completely different, because I was there life. It was hilarious what people did, to keep a posh version of their lives. Then we returned home and continued to dig out stories.
I knew that my great great parents had a huge farm in what is today Poland, so in some way I have polish blood
in my veins. Again because of politicians who change borders, like on a game. One of the brothers also had a Circus !! apparently we were all very talented !
The next morning she left in her camping car and I had the blues. I really missed her. So I went to the hairdresser. I did nothing special, I copied Rosie and rested in my "basket"
Whenever I have many plans, the result is I do nothing. I turn around. My neighbors were out shopping, it was hot and sticky. After having discussed with Nicole's daughter for an hour, I suddenly remembered that my laundry was still in the machine. So I took it out and hanged it in Rick's room. Then I collapsed on the Sofa. To my surprise I wasn't breathless and I walked like a human being.
I forgot to tell a sweet story. While A was there her son called. I understood some words, like post, envelope, address and wondered what problems he had. And then she told me, her son the future doctor had to write (write with his hand) on an envelope and wanted to know where he has to put his address, (on the top, left she said) and the address of the company it was addressed to, a little further down on the right side. The stamps (don't forget) on the top of the letter, right side. It was so unbelievable that we burst out in laughter and reminded our school days where we learned all in handwriting, because computers didn't exist. I am sure the next time he will know where to write the addresses.
I found my cousin very cool, instead of scolding him that he doesn't know something so simple, she explained it to him. It's not his fault if he never learned it.
After the beautiful weather we had while she was there, now I am sitting in the rain again.