As I am not curious at all, I kept a discrete eye on her just to see how she would eat !! That was a mistery to me. She went to the breakfast buffet which had everything for everybody's taste, choose eggs and cheese and other stuff and returned with the fully loaded plate to her table and the rest of the family who ate already with a good appetite.
It was exciting ! If I could have pulled out my eyes like a cameleon, it would have been more easier to see what she was doing. Would she take the food in her fingers, lift the veil and put it in her mouth, or maybe she would swallow a part of the veil with it ... or maybe there was a hole in the veil for food ?? But no, she pulled the veil down and we all could see her face, because I was not the only one who was intrigued how one would eat with a half covered face from nose to neck !
She ate and drank her coffee and smiled to her family, didn't look around anymore, and each time she got up and to the buffet she covered her face again. We had time to notice that she was quiet beautiful what pity, if she would have been ugly the veil would be understandable.
The mistery was solved to the satisfaction of all guests.
To use a mobile phone the veil is slightly lifted too !
I finally thought that it is very practical as an habit, you can wear whatever you want underneath from nothing to sexy underwear and you don't need to comb and wash your hair to go out, for shopping. Nobody would see my wrinkles and black suits me very well ! Maybe I would get cheaper prices were I have to haggle ?? or maybe not because these kind of clothing is not well seen in Turkey.

Me at a costume party in Egypt. (Before and after eating ! )