Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of March 24, 2012.
This weekend we really had a fairy tale weather ! The sun was shining and it was warm, no cardigan or coat needed. Only in the mornings and evenings it was cool.
Of course if you have a garden, with this weather you want to be outside and do some necessary things which spring requires. Dominique wanted to buy a garden shed, for her garden tools and lawnmower which are taking too much space in her garage.

We went to a big garden store and we choose one, which was not too big and not too small, the perfect size. I thought when I saw the picture in the catalogue because not all sheds were displayed, that I had seen this one already somewhere. When we returned home, I realized where I had seen it ! In our garden, we had bought the same more than 10 years ago ! That was really funny. Now they will sit side by side only seperated by the hedge, and hers has to be painted of course.

We strolled through the shop to see what other things they sell and I found the perfect product for a murderer to comit his crime in a very clean way and it would be the perfect one because it's Bio Kill ! After Bio Cognac, Bio beer, Bio wine and Bio dolls, pots and pans we slowly will all become Bio humans. Don't forget to increase your household budget, when it becomes a Bio budget.
I had started to put salt on the bark which is all along the entrance to our house, to avoid weeds to grow through. After having used 10 kgs (22 lbs) I ran out of salt and I couldn't finish, Mr. G. bought another 20 kgs to disperse on the bark and on the gravel in front of the garage.

On Sunday morning I went to the next little town for a walk and some photo hunting, people were sitting outside and the market was full. I found a nice scarf for me and then returned home.

The afternoon I continued my salting. It hasn't snowed on the pictures, the white is the salt. It's really very efficient against weeds and is so cheap (I didn't buy bio salt if ever that exists) and far better than chemical products especially also for my cats.
I still haven't finished, it is a harder job than I thought, so I will salt the gravel sometimes during the week. After that I collapsed behind my computer, finished commenting and after supper we had our Midsumer Murder evening together with Dominique. Now we met the new Inspector Barnaby, who is not bad at all. It must be quiet difficult to take over such a role without looking like a bad copy.