My cleaning lady had crocheted these beautiful covers for my kitchen chairs. The plastic cover had meanwhile some little holes and she certainly thought it needed repair. I was really touched, because she did it just like that without any special reason !
2. We played our weekly scrabble and this time Ilona was the last one.

After the first game we had a coffee break and then continued with the second round. While we were concentrated on the game, suddenly a loud snoring filled the room. It was as if an old man snored with all his heart his mouth wide open. Of course it was not an old man, but an not so old dog, Charlie. I never had thought that a dog can snore that loud ! Nicole called him, nothing, those who still could whistle, whistled. Charlie went on. Finally we shook him a bit and he stopped and continued to sleep without snoring this time.
3. Mr. Charlie was so happy to come to our house that he first sniffed in all corners and then had suddenly disappeared. My cats were laying in various sofas and beds out of Charlie's view.

Suddenly he appeared, he had been in the basement and came back with this dinosaur head, which he apparently had found amongst the things to be given away ! He then was busy for a while to pull out all teeth !
This dog is very amusing !
4. The rest of the week I was resting, I felt very weak. As soon as I stood up I thought my legs were out of gum ! Antibiotics make tired !
Arthur was my nurse and watched TV with me !

For the first time I went outside but only to my painting course. I just didn't want to miss it. I started a new painting still only with my fingers.
After class I quickly went to choose new glasses I had my eyes checked and my view has dropped a bit. Fortunately I found some very quickly, because I started to get tired. I just made it home and collapsed on the sofa where I spent the rest of the day !
more participants here at FIVE ON FRIDAY