I rang the doorbell. Nothing. No noise at all. I knocked at the door and rang the bell at the same time. Still no move in the house. He must be in a very deep sleep.
Finally I took my mobile and called. The phone rang and rang, no answer. I tried the other phone and let it ring, nothing. Never had I thought that he was in such a deep sleep. He was home I was sure as his car was in front of the house.
My friend who was with me, took her mobile and rang his mobile, while I called the normal phone. It rang and rang. At the same time I also rang the door bell. Now there were 3 bells ringing.

After a long while which seemed to me like an eternity, finally we heared a noise, then a deep cough followed by "Is that you" ? Yes I shouted, it's me since 15 minutes I try to wake you up ! He looked half asleep and had two question marks in his eyes. I didn't hear anything, he said. Yes, I answered that I have realized ! Your sleep was not deep, it was as if you were dead !
He was offended when I told him what we had done to wake him up and returned to bed.
A little later we both bursted out in laughter ! Sleeping so deeply was really more than special !
Linking to Five Minute Friday Deep