14 May 2011


This night I woke up because somebody snored like a chainsaw in my room. Half awake I tried to understand why I heard this terrible snoring because I was alone at home, Mr. G, the professional chainsaw of this house is still on holidays in Italy and I don't believe in snoring ghosts.

I switched on the light, the snoring stopped and I saw my cat Pookie surprised by the sudden light, laying besides my bed. I never would have thought that such a small cat can make a noise like an adult men !

I turned off the light and tried to sleep again, but of course now I was fully awake and it was only 2 am. So I read for a little while until my eyes started to close and I fell asleep.

In the morning when I woke up, I heard snoring again ! I told myself that's impossible, nobody was in the room ! The snoring came from my wardrobe, and I was sure that I had no hidden lover there. I opened wide the door and what did I see .....

Arthur snoring on my bedsheets !

How thoughtful of my cats to replace Mr. G's snoring !

PS. Due to Blogger's nervous breakdown my Friday's post disappeared somewhere in the Blog athmosphere and is floating around the globe now.

13 May 2011


I am quiet angry, this post was lost due to Blogger's long lasting break down !


more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

Mr. G. is still on holidays in Italy and will come back on Saturday, so I lead my lazy life without looking on my watch !

1. After acqua gym and the usual chat with a cup of tea, I went with Dominique to our little Greek restaurant, where I had these delicious dolmades and of course a portion of chips

which I shouldn't have taken but rather Pita bread, but I don't eat chips a lot and thought it was an opportunity.

2. Our garden slowly becomes a jungle and as I realized that you had to be a contorsionist to get to our entrance door, I took our little hedge cutter and cut the most disturbing twigs off. But it is not enough and I will have to call our gardner, we are not strong enough anymore to do it ourselves.

3. The weather is still warm and sunny and the garden furniture is out since quiet some time, so after having done some shopping together with my friend Chantal we spent the whole afternoon on the patio chatted and relaxed.

4. Dominique and I had a very good idea, we ordered a Sushi menu, including soup, salad 14 sushis each to be delivered to my home and then we had a nice meal and afterwards we watched a "Midsummer Murder" movie, which she loves too. So we both had a nice evening.

5. Rain is announced for the weekend, therefore I quickly mowed the lawn and then continued to read my book and returned to my computer.

Due to Blogger's crash, this post appeared days later

12 May 2011


Jenny Matlock
more participants at Jenny Matlock's Alphabet Thursday

Because of a lack of phantasy to write somthing about the letter D, I finally thought I could write about dreams, especially because Mr. G. dreams in a very agitated way. He knocks the bedside table over, pulls the curtains down, falls out of his bed and each time he only remembers that he has saved somebody, or he has to hide, etc. Actually when he fall out of his bed he wanted to hold back an aunt who died 30 years ago but who was falling down the stairs. He also talks a lot and mostly fights or laughs with people he had not seen for at least 40 to 50 years !

So curious as I am, I googled a little on the net about dreams, to find out what all this dreaming meant. I used to dream a lot in the past but in the last years it's very very seldom.

I found a very interesting page and thanks to that I now know a lot now about dreams. For example you dream that you are sitting in the backseat of a car, this suggests that you are no longer in control of your life. You may be feeling overpowered, dominated and being told what to do. You need to start taking back control of your life. !

If you dream about a Bagpipe, and you see or hear bagpipes in your dream, it signifies strength and virility. You will overcome your struggles. (virility doesn't fit on me, that's probably because I never dreamed about bagpipes not even of under a skirt of scot).

But if you hear barking in your dream, it suggests that you are annoying those around you with grumpiness and fussiness. The dream may also be analogous to your tendency of barking orders at people, instead of asking or talking kindly. Alternatively, barking refers to unhappy and disgruntled companions. Maybe I have an unhappy companion ?

Fortunately I never dreamed about having an abscess because that suggests that there is something that you need to express and get out into the open. (I do that during the day)

Have you ever dreamed about eating Calamari ?? that indicates that you are feeling battered or beaten and if you dream that you are farting, it suggests that you are being passive aggressive. You need to express your feelings in a more direct manner ( I wonder what that would be ???)

And if ever you dream about having a facelift, it suggests that you are seeking a new self-identity and self-image. You may have experienced a surge in your confidence levels. Alternatively, it symbolizes vanity and you concerns about appearances rather than what is inside.

Now wish me that I won't dream this night about a dream.

Due to Blogger's break down all comments were lost

11 May 2011


more participants here

bought seen in Brussels

10 May 2011


is here

9 May 2011


Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of May 7. You never know if you need an alibi ! If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.

On Saturday I went to Brussels center, because I knew that there was quiet a lot of animation going on. I wanted to take the opportunity to exercise with my new little Sony camera, as my old one fell of the car and the screen broke.

First I went to the Grand'Place where a "Scarecrow" Exposition took place. Of course I visited this exposition and will write about it in another post. I tried the "Panorama" mode for the first time, it's not yet perfect, but the result is not too bad either.

Going through the Gallery near the Grand'Place, I saw a very beautiful entrance and thought it was a Nightclub or something like that. At the entrance were two huge acquariums and the light was dim. Believe it or not it was a public Toilet (!!!) When I went in there I saw Madame Wee wee sitting there and asking for 0.50 cents ! What a nice attraction for tourist's natural needs !

On the Grand'Place in Brussel's City hall a marriage was such celebrated so I had a quick look on that too.

Outside the Grand'Place on the Place Sablon a photo shooting was going on, which of course I watched too for a while and also shot some pictures.

Being still a cheerful temporary widow, in the evening I rented a movie which should have been a French commedy with Catherine Deneuve, it was so stupid, that I regretted my good old "Midsummer murders" !

Sunday morning I went to the Waterloo market and bought myself a Thai meal, in order not to cook on Mother's Day.

The afternoon I spent with Ilona and a bottle of Champagne to celebrate Mother's day, she was so happy that her daughter had come to visit her, which was the first time after 8 years ! There was some misunderstanding between them which is settled now. I had got a phone call from my son, he had to represent his little son for the first Mother's Day of his mom in Amsterdam. Secretely I had expected some flowers, but apparently sons are less sensible than daughters because Ilona all she got was an sms from her son ! So I can't complain. We had a very nice Mother's day afternoon in the sun.

8 May 2011


Yesterday I went to Brussels to try out my new camera Sony Cybershot DSC T-99. I was very happy with the result and will show you some pictures tomorrow. When I came back yesterday I was too tired to write a long romance, there are thousands of tourists in Brussels with this beautiful warm weather, it was really hot 26°C (79 F) ! That's quiet unusual for Belgium ! I saw lots of asiatic people and heard a potpourrie of languages !

The Bistros and Restaurants had raised their prices and I payed nearly 5 € for a coke !
I shouldn't have taken it on the Grand'Place, but I felt on holidays there, with all these tourists around.