17 Sept 2024


In the south of Morocco life is hard but there are lot of real artists, only they probably don't know !


more participants here, and Image-in-ing

16 Sept 2024



Linking to AWWW MONDAYS 





Saturday, in the morning we had Winter !! The lawn was white and people found their cars white ! Never ever happened mid September ! I wouldn't be surprised if we had 39°C at Christmas ! Nothing surprises me anymore. The air was not so good and I was quickly breathless. 

In the afternoon we got together for a game contest with the other Retirement homes, it was the last one. 

On Sunday we had sunshine and my friend Nicole's daughter came for a visit together with her best friend, whom I know too. We spent a nice time together walked a bit through the park and then had a coffee with the others on the terrace. They found my home very nice and had never seen such a retirement home, where dogs ran free and the residents were very cheerful. Finally they stayed much longer than foreseen because they had so much fun. And I forgot to take some pictures !!