I peacefully drove on the highway, saw the exit and left. As soon as I had done this I realized that I had taken one exit too early and found myself in a completely unknown area. I fixed Madame GPS on her support, thought in a logical way and invented a house number on Mons avenue. For an unknow reason I selected 560. Madam GPS told me : turn left, turn right, enter roundabout etc. and finally "arriving at destination on right" The destination I found was not Ikea at all it was in front of a big Renault garage and close to Brussels center !
I don't give up so quickly, I thought 560 must have been wrong I will take n° 100. I told Madame GPS and she put me on the right way.
Brussels has 19 municipalities. Normally I had to go to n° 1 on the red line.

The "sightseeing" I did.
Instead I went to n° 7 from there to n° 13 where I realized that I was wrong. My second choice took me up to n° 4, which suddenly was the South station where I usually go on Sunday mornings on the market. From n° 9 on I was completely lost and as it was quite late I thought there is only one thing to do : push on the button and tell Madame GPS to go home ! I was already more then 1 1/2 h underway instead of 20 min. I had done a very nice sightseeing. I had been in parts of Brussels I had never seen before and had even discovered a port and a canal with lots of little ships.
Satisfied with myself I pushed on "go home" and followed the instructions. Suddenly I found myself in a quite beautiful area with old houses and a colorful market ! I parked my car where it was not allowed to park (that I realized later) took my camera and went to the market.

where I took these pictures.
At this moment Mr. G called me. He thought I was in Waterloo. I said, no I am in St. Gilles.
- In St. Gilles ? what the heck are you doing there ??
- I wanted to go to Ikea
- but that's on the other end !
- Bah, I know, I missed the exit
- ????
I walked a little around the market and then got back to my car, where I noticed that the parking was reserved for the police, their office was just in front. A safer place I couldn't have find. Once again I pushed the button on "go home" and Madame GPS this time, guided me safely.
Mr. G. had his wife back.
At home I checked the IKEA house n° .... it was 1460 !! and not 560 or 100 !