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hereMy very best friend died end February of a colon cancer. She was 66. She left a big hole in my life and I miss her more and more. She had helped me in the most difficult situations of my life had always taken care of me and was more than a sister. We knew and loved each other for 30 years exactly. Then she passed away and left a husband a son and a little granddaughter behind. They were married for 40 years and she had always taken care of them to 100 % forgetting herself most of the time. The last thing I could do for her was helping her family to get over this loss. But then this happened and it sounds so monstrous to me just like a bad dream but it is the truth ! I just want to know what you women in the whole world are thinking about such a man !
13 Behaviours of a heartbroken widow1. On the cimetary Pietro throw himself over the coffin banged his head and fists on it and screamed "why, why did you leave me !"
2. She wanted to be incinerated, he wanted a grave to visit her every day, of course she is in a grave now. Even her last will was not respected.
3. He knocked at our door at least 4 times a week to sit with us and cry and complain about his loneliness and get comforted in my arms.
4. He complained about his wife that she dared to die of a colon cancer and that she had nothing done for her health
5. He repeated and repeated what a wonderful husband he was, but he didn't even know that the mailbox has to be emptied every day and the garbadge has to be taken out and bills have to be payed
6. He cried and whined when his 34 year old son wanted to visit a friend and he had to stay alone
7. This lasted exactly 8 weeks. Then he had called a girlfriend of his wife to inform her about her passing away wailing and complaining. He is a handsome man, has money, and the best actor in the world. The woman fell in the trap.
8. When his son came back from holidays he noticed that the picture of his mother had disappeared, the wardrobe was filled with other woman's clothing and in the bathroom new make up things. The poor boy was more then shocked (he lives in his parents house with his little daughter) He called me immediately.
9. Pietro the father visited us one months later to announce the news I knew already. Where he had sat as a crying widow 8 weeks before, he now sat there as a schoolboy in love, and also behaved like that.
10. He shouted "I am so happy, so happy, this is the best thing which could happen to me, you know that I can't stay alone" and clapped in his hands.
11. He told me how wonderful this new woman is, of course she does exactly the same my best friend had done for him for 40 years ! Then he called her to tell her that he would be a little late because he was with us.
12. He used the same loving nickname, he had used with his wife ! (I thought I would go mad ! it sounded to me as if she was still alive !)
13. The grave he wanted to visit every day now is neglected nothing was on it before I put a flower pot and since the funerals he had been there only once !
I will always ask myself now, how could she stay with such an egocentric guy for so many years ? She had often complained about him. It wasn't a question of money. The money belonged to her. She came from a very wealthy family.

Happy times, my friend (left), I and two classmates of our painting group (1996)