29 Mar 2008


There was an Old Timer race in Waterloo, just under the Lion who didn't even watch because he turns his head towards the UK.

The owners were very proud of course and although the weather was quite cool they showed us their cars which they pamper since years.

The little Fiat 500 is compared to the others a "new" car. Mr. Gattino had one like this when he was 20 !

Napoleon watched stoically

This maybe is not a very feminine subject and usually I am not interested in cars at all, but these old cars are really interesting to see. What a progress has been made since last century !

28 Mar 2008



What does the color dark green make you think of?
cow pat


How many cousins do you have?
None, my parent's siblings didn't have any children as far as I know


On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how honest are you?
Of course 10 and then you can think about it

Main Course

Name something that is truly free.


Using the letters in the word SPRING, write a sentence.
Such poor R is not good. Please find a word with R. Thank you !


This little watch is one of my favourite cat items. The cats are carved in horn. The watch doesn't work anymore of course. I found it in London in Portobello market.

A gift from friends

and a mirror in a wooden cat frame. I found this mirror on the flea market here in Brussels. It hangs in the guest bathroom.

The view out of my window on Easter saturday !!! After a whole winter without any snow in Belgium.

27 Mar 2008


13 Desperate Housewives gossips

I call my friend and neighbor affectionatelly "The latest News" because thanks to her I know all the gossips and news around the neighborhood and Waterloo. I too live in a district of desperate housewives.

1. Mr. K widow now, moved in together with Mrs. V whose husband just died and had sold his house. I hope it goes well ! living together is not so easy at their age. They both are over 60.

2. The daughter of Mr. P was thrown out of the commun appartment she shared with her boyfriend, moved back to her parents and thinks about suicide. Poor girl, she will find another one

3. Mrs. J was the mistress of Mr. F in 1972 for 10 years, now she is widow and he is widow so they picked up their relationship again at respectively 69 and 88 years of age ! Love never dies

4. Mr. B left his wife and two daughters to move in with his secretary and her 5 children ! Apparently he loves children

5. Mr. and Mrs M have a new dog. The one who barked the whole day died after 13 years ! I am ashamed to say that I am not sad at all . No barks anymore early morning !

6. Mrs. D's house was visited by burglers despite the fact that she has a huge shephard dog, but they fed him first. He is a very good dog !

7. The restaurant "Green Roof" which belonged to a former butcher had been closed because of unpayed taxes. A butcher is not necessarily a good business man !

8. Mr. L broke his leg while climbing on a tree to get his cat down. Fortunately the cat was not hurt.

9. Mr. C's car was dammaged somebody had scratched "Fuck You" on the door. Somewhere I can understand the vandal ...

10. There was a big fight in the Café just besides the Wellington museum, 3 guys had to be hospitalized. The reason was a football result. (soccer) Men !

11. Mr. W deals with wine and stocks the bottles in his garage and sells them in black. Now I understand why the car is always sitting outside !

12. The son of Mr. and Mrs. A is still living with his parents and doesn't work since he left school. He is 34 by now and married with a child. And they live happily together, it's a shame !

13. Mrs E has a new boyfriend with a big car. Good for her !

26 Mar 2008


25 Mar 2008


Ruby Tuesday Meme Invitation

Praying' dog at Japanese temple

Attendance at a Buddhist temple in Japan has increased since the temple's pet, a two-year-old dog, has joined in the daily prayers. Conan, a Chihuahua, sits on his hind legs, raises his paws and puts them together at the tip of his nose. That's the solution !! The pope should train some of these dogs and send them in all catholic churches, maybe then there will be a little bit more people going to church !

Hypnotist' thief hunted in Italy
Police in Italy have issued footage of a man who is suspected of hypnotising supermarket checkout staff to hand over money from their cash registers.
In every case, the last thing staff reportedly remember is the thief leaning over and saying: "Look into my eyes", before finding the till empty. I am sure he learned it from the movie "Casablanca" it must have been very romantic for the cashier !

Hospital bridles at horse in lift

A Hawaiian hospital has restated its rules on pets after a man took a horse up in a lift in a bid to cheer up a sick relative with his favourite steed. Man and beast were stopped by security guards only after reaching the third floor, after apparently passing through the lobby unchallenged.
The patient was allowed to see them but it turned out to be the wrong horse. That's sad ! the wrong horse ! The patient must have been very disappointed !

Over-55s 'causing holiday havoc'
Older British holidaymakers are causing the sort of trouble normally associated with the younger generation, the Foreign Office has said.
Over-55s are endangering their health by drinking too much alcohol and trying out dangerous sports such as bungee jumping on overseas trips. That's great I invite all members of the "Over 50" to join the party !!

Bickering Belgians Agree on a Deal to Stay One Country
Belgium's feuding political parties agreed Tuesday to form a coalition government after nine months of political chaos that threatened to carve the seat of the European Union into separate nations. It lasted 10 month and you can read this comedy in the post below !

Hubby is dug up by badgers
BADGERS have wrecked seven graves in a churchyard – even digging up a beloved husband.
A dozen of them caused havoc after tunnelling under a wall to extend their sett from a neighbouring field. But church bosses say protection laws mean they can’t do anything about it until the badger breeding season ends in JUNE. Widow Shirley Webb, 72, was horrified when she found her husband Jesse’s gravestone had collapsed into a 4ft crater in the plot he shares with his mum Victoria. Why doesn't the police hire these badgers ? If ever they have to dig out a corpse for autopsy it would safe a lot of costs !

Prince Charles opens branch of Chas-da
Prince Charles proudly emerges from his very own supermarket yesterday – dubbed Chas-da by locals.He opened the £2million store, which sells gifts and posh organic groceries including biscuits, jams and meats, with wife Camilla.
All products come from the Prince’s Highgrove estate or are brands Charles uses – such as his favourite £6-a-bar soap.
So if every you need something for your household, go to Highgrove and be served by Prince Charles and Camilla ! That I call shopping !

I was invited by Cheerio to this new Ruby Tuesday Meme. I like the idea because there is no meme on Tuesdays as far as I know. As I have to tag some people, as usual I ask you to join if you like this meme and refer to my blog.

What are the Rules?
It's easy and simple:

1. Create a post that has the word or color RUBY or something else RUBY-related or TUESDAY-related in it.

2. In your post, create a link to the Ruby Tuesday meme invitation

3. Leave a comment here saying it’s done and at the Ruby Tuesday meme post.

4. Post your meme on Tuesday if you like.

24 Mar 2008


For Manic Monday scroll down

Our host Swampwitch proposed for Fun Monday :
"Choose a topic/theme and make an alphabetical list of words, phrases,photos...however you want to share your topic/theme.If you don't know the alphabet, make one up. In other words, just have fun and teach us something using your own set of A B C's".

Of course I know the alphabet at least I hope so but, there are two things which keep me off to do a list of words. First I hate lists in general and second I am too lazy to put the following topic in alphabetical order. Fun Monday should be funny that's why I tell you the very funny story of the Belgian government.

ave you ever heard in your life about a country who remained without government for exactly 10 months ?? It didn't harm the population though, we didn't notice any difference.

It all started after the elections June 10.

to the right the former Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt

he guy to the left Yves Leterme was elected Prime Minister and should put a new government together. The day when he was asked to sing the Belgian anthem and sang the French one, he lost a lot of sympathies. It was as if Bush would sing "God save the Queen".

elgium has only 10 millions inhabitants, and consists of flemish (dutch speaking people) and wallons (french speaking people) and the politicians like to fight and pretend that the country wants to separate in one flemish and one french speaking state. (The new country names are unknown by the poor population)

he best cartoon designer of Belgium Pierre Kroll informed us, the ordinary people better than the News Papers where the news were different according to the fact if they were Flemish or French.

UN soldiers in Flanders ?

Go ahead M'dam don't be afraid, you can speak french we protect you ...
old lady : Are you sure ??
he Flemish politicians want to have everything in flemish and no french anymore or at least everybody should learn and speak flemish, but the wallon politicians are too lazy for that and consider flemish as a dialect and not a language. What else can the population do but laugh and take it with humor. This language war exists since Belgium was created in 1831.

o the the flemish and wallonish politicians started to fight and to fight for more power and being the most important part of the government. The population watched them like catchers in a ring.

fter 5 months of fights without any issue

Calm down ! and let's start again, (my wife is waiting)

he King finally suggested to put up a provisory Goverment to at least settle some important points like social security or the increasing cost of living. He asked the Prime Minister of the former government whom nobody wanted anymore to help creating a new government ! (I understand if you don't understand ! Nobody understands)

Government : We approach an agreement

Agreement cake

e agreed and finally formed a new government with as Prime Minister the one who cannot even sing his own anthem. He is flemish but speaks very good french. Anyway he should be neutral ! (he should ....)
fter 10 months without a final government on the 20th of March Mr. Yves Leterme was nominated Prime Minister by the King Albert II

ut he (the King) really regrets good old Guy as you can see above "Please don't leave us !" But Guy has other plans this time with whole Europe !

eterme the winner (??) swore to the King !

t's done !

or how long ??

o you like my alphabet ?