A blue sky !! A miracle ....
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1. After the exciting troubles with the repair of our internet connection (you can read it here I was a bit exhausted from all that stress.

You can imagine the dirt I had in our garage ! It was raining the whole day and the street muddy poor workers.
2. First thing in the tne next morning came somebody from our internet provider called "Voo" and took pictures of the street now without the cable. I took a picture of him too. It even had started to "snow" ! but not for long.
Fortunately we had our scrabble Monday and I could relax.
The Belgian TV team came back and checked our street, everything was done.
4. and to conclude the whole story a responsible of VOO came together with the TV team and they made again a movie of the now repaired street and the connection.
We spoke with the internet VOO man too and I told him that our garden looked now as if an elephant had danced the moonwalk in there, barks damaged, it has to be redone completely. Of course everybody was very kind we included and then they went away. The next day we got an email that as a commercial gesture we will get 2 month free of charge. OK that's better than nothing and covers at least the costs for the garden.
Next week then I will appear in the TV ! I don't know the date yet.
5. I had a call from Toyota that they had to replace and airbag, apparently they had forgotten when I had the car checked last time. I could wait it was very quick and as Nicole lives nearby I took the opportunity to have a coffee with her and pick up the travel documents for Egypt which had been send to her. Now I have to check my summer clothes ! That's at least a nice work !!