There were no activities foreseen on Monday, so I decided to go to my hairdresser, after 6 weeks I look like a scarecrow ! Next time I will try the hairdresser of the residence. I think she does a good job, when I look at those who go to her, the haircut is always really nice.
I always wondered how many window cleaners were needed to clean all the windows of the castle ! Somebody knocked at the door and Rosie welcomed the window cleaner ! I have two very big windows in the living room and two smaller once in the bathroom, and my neighbors two, but it went very quick

When it is not raining, I try to walk half an hour as my doctor had ordered. This time I was very proud, I walked through the whole park, through the gate and was in the Waterloo park with a little lake. Unfortunately the ducks with their little ones and the swans were hiding somewhere, at least I didn't see any, but I did see a lot of dogs who all said "hello" to me and one even brought me a branch !
Then I sat down to play Scrabble with my tablet, it was warm, but I couldn't even start, that others came out to keep me company. It's funny when one resident sits outside it doesn't last long and others will join ! It was a very nice afternoon with a lot of laughter. Then we had to return inside, it started to rain again.
As I didn't feel well the whole week, probably it was too wet, I didn't take my car to go somewhere, I just had no energy and felt good staying home and to benefit from the beautiful park. The eternal restlessness in me that I would miss something had completely disappeared.
In the afternoon we played a fun game called "The Right Price". For example, we were shown a pearl necklace and asked for the exact price! The prices that were estimated were really too funny. After we had to estimate the price of a popcorn machine, I was amazed that some people didn't even know what popcorn was. After I explained that you eat it in the cinema, some people knew, but not that there was a popcorn maker!
This is my room now completely finished, my cave into which I can retreat