18 May 2024


There were no activities foreseen on Monday, so I decided to go to my hairdresser, after 6 weeks I look like a scarecrow ! Next time I will try the hairdresser of the residence. I think she does a good job, when I look at those who go to her, the haircut is always really nice.

I always wondered how many window cleaners were needed to clean all the windows of the castle ! Somebody knocked at the door and Rosie welcomed the window cleaner ! I have two very big windows in the living room and two smaller once in the bathroom, and my neighbors two, but it went very quick 

I went to say hello to my neighbor Pauline, and met her granddaughter from Israel. She lives in Tel Aviv. She was a pretty girl, and spoke perfectly French with her grandma who doesn't speak Hebrew, as she lived 45 years in the Congo and then in Belgium. I asked the grand daughter, if she noticed a lot of the war, but apparently not because she told her grandma what birthdays and other events they had celebrated lately and that the dishwasher broke down. I didn't ask more, when it comes to Politic we only know what the TV tells us and it was probably the opposite that what we heard from Israel. She had no troubles either to come to Brussels.

When it is not raining, I try to walk half an hour as my doctor had ordered. This time I was very proud, I walked through the whole park, through the gate and was in the Waterloo park with a little lake. Unfortunately the ducks with their little ones and the swans were hiding somewhere, at least I didn't see any, but I did see a lot of dogs who all said "hello" to me and one even brought me a branch !

Then I sat down to play Scrabble with my tablet,  it was warm, but I couldn't even start, that others came out to keep me company. It's funny when one resident sits outside it doesn't last long and others will join ! It was a very nice afternoon with a lot of laughter. Then we had to return inside, it started to rain again. 

As I didn't feel well the whole week, probably it was too wet, I didn't take my car to go somewhere, I just had no energy and felt good staying home and to benefit from the beautiful park. The eternal restlessness in me that I would miss something had completely disappeared.

In the afternoon we played a fun game called "The Right Price". For example, we were shown a pearl necklace and asked for the exact price! The prices that were estimated were really too funny. After we had to estimate the price of a popcorn machine, I was amazed that some people didn't even know what popcorn was. After I explained that you eat it in the cinema, some people knew, but not that there was a popcorn maker!

The right price

The week ended with a meeting, everyone together, our director, the head of each service, and of course us, the residents. The director sat down next to me and explained that I was his assistant because she was on vacation. 
Everyone could say what was on their mind, complain or suggest something better. It was pretty funny because my neighbor didn't hear very well and I always had to scream in her ear. Some people didn't understand the manager because he used too difficult words, which I then "translated" into children's language. He found it very funny. 
One who participated very actively and who had a lot to say was our 100 year old! When the manager said the terrace would be raised so that the wheelchairs no longer had to roll up, which most people could no longer do, she accused him of throwing the money out of the window and that those who were still like her should just help .  
The woman was just great, she talked like a politician in Parliament ! She is the perfect example of how one should grow old. She has no help getting dressed and is in excellent health.
It was really nice and coffee and waffles were served. Then it was time for dinner and I disappeared into my little kingdom.
The 100 year old lady

This is my room now completely finished, my cave into which I can retreat

 and little Rosie

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. That's nice that they have someone come wash your windows! And that they have a hairdresser there as well. I'm glad it was nice enough weather to be outside for a while. It's good that your place has those sessions where the residents came express their opinions. Your room looks nice.

  2. I think enjoying company when you want it is essential. Living in isolation would be lonely and would turn my mind to mush. Organised meetings and games, if course, but just casual company sitting outside with a cuppa.

  3. How nice to have a window washer. He can come over and wash mine any time.
    Good for you getting out for your walks. Exerise is so important. Now the weather is nice you can walk more.
    You little kingdom is lovely. And Rosie is obviously queen.

  4. Your home looks nice and very comfortable. It is good that you join in things but only if you want to.

  5. Your life has changed so much since you moved into your 'castle' . You always have somewhere to go or something to do or someone to chat to. It was a brave but perfect decision you made when you decided to move.

  6. That is great that they keep your windows clean for you! I like that they let the residents voice concerns and talk. Love that people join you when you are outside. I wish it was more like that at my Mom's residence. She loves to go outside and would love company but not many go out to the courtyard.

  7. A friend of mine would visit her aunt in her assisted living home so they could get their hair done together. Your place looks very nice and you are a wonderful help to those who did not understand the gentleman. Clean windows, that is a nice perk. I hope you are enjoying this new place. Please take care. I like to read about your adventures. being 100 would be quite an accomplishment. I have a friend turning 94 this month and she is a real active lady. She lives in an apartment and has most of her needs within walking distance. She also has a young friend in her building who helps her out with groceries when she can not get out. A good friend.


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