13 May 2024


 A farmer's market







Saturday we had such a wonderful weather that a lot of "children" suddenly remembered that they had a parent in this residence with the beautiful park. Therefore we had a lot of visitors sharing our huge terrace. 

We enjoyed the sunshine walked around from time to time had our coffee and discussed the evolution of women rights over the years ! Especially that a married woman had no right to have a bank account in her name until  1965 ! She also was not allowed to work without the permission of her husband. I never noticed this because I was already working and had an account before I got married. To get married you had to have the permission of your father until you were 25 years old. Fortunately I was, The discussion was quite animated and suddenly it became cool and we went inside ! 

Women have to vote to avoid wars

On Sunday there were some white clouds in the blue sky, but it was still warm, even warmer then on Saturday. I went out immediately after lunch and sat on the terrace a few people had the same idea and as it was Mother's day this day, slowly slowly lots of visitors of all ages came visiting their mothers. We were all together and young and old talked together, Pauline told the story of her 45 years in the Belgian Congo, which the others found very interesting. On a table stood coffee, tea and different juices, wafels and muffins for the visitors. Suddenly around 4 pm the sky became black and from far we heard thunder rolling ! We all hurried inside, and just made it not to get wet. 

I expected my friend Laure who became also widow recently, and we talked about the complicated succession laws and taxes and about the fact that in London some houses are standing on King's ground and you have to buy a lease for for X years depending if there is still one or not. We gave up to understand, her son bought an apartment in London in the posh part at the Thames ! I forgot the name.We spent a nice afternoon together while outside the thunder made some noise from far and it rained. Fortunately little Rosie is not afraid of a thunderstorm.



  1. Your weekend sounds very nice. It's good to have a mixture of ages in a gathering.

  2. I'm glad you've had some nice weather. What you were talking about, housing in London, that could be a 99 year lease, which covers two or three generations.

  3. Love the farmers market. I would have been loving on all those critters.

    What a wonderful weekend you had. That's a wonderful thing.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Gattina. Scritches to Rosie. ♥

  4. Like you we had glorious weather this weekend. So good to feel the warmth of the sun.

  5. It was nice that all the visitors came...they remembered they had mom's ands grannies in there...we have that where I work, too....I wish that they all would visit more often, it helps the peeps souls a lot.

    The petting zoo(?) at the farmer's market looks like fun!

  6. It's good that you had some nice weather on the weekend! Whether it brings family visitors or not the sunshine is always welcome! I enjoyed your reminiscences about how things have changed for us over the years. I don't think we had to get "daddy's" permission until 25 over here, but I do remember when we couldn't get a bank account in our own name and had to have husband sign off on medical procedures even though we both worked and earned about equally. ....

    I just noticed that the LIve Traffic Feed on your sidebar thinks I am visiting you from Oregon, but in real life I am still in Florida. My laptop is registered in Oregon and I guess that is confusing the traffic feed's brain. Interesting!!


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