11 May 2024


I think I will only mention the weather when the sun is shining otherwise it's getting boring ! Always clouds and grey skies. Monday was not an exception so it was good that we had a slide show of the Landes, a department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, Southwestern France, with a long coastline on the Atlantic Ocean to the west. We all sat in a circle and looked at the pictures while an unpleasant man who acted as if he had discovered the moon explained the pictures to us.

When he claimed that here was the longest beach in the world (!) and described every picture as if they were wonders of the world,  people started falling asleep after a while , or got up and left. I checked on my mobile phone whether what he said was correct, and of course it was nonsense. He probably thought the old people never traveled ! Finally he was nearly alone and packed his things in a box and left too. He should have showed us another continent and not a part of France which most of the people had seen life. 

We all got together had our coffee and chatted about the travels we had made. That was far more interesting. The 100 year old lady of course hasn't traveled but told us funny story of her youth ! She is very interesting.

The lady to the left is 100 years old and fresh like a rose !

My neighbor from the apartment I lived in for 3 1/2 years had called me that there was mail for me that she has taken. It was nice to see them again, but nothing special has happened there, they are the two who are at home the whole day, in my ex apartment lives a couple now that they have never seen. When I left I was really relieved !

As there was nothing special I went to visit Nicole to see how she is now. I hadn't seen her for 3 weeks. The cancer seems to progress, her brain is still alert and we could talk together, but she often fell asleep. She now sits in a very comfortable wheelchair but all crooked, I was so sad when I saw her. What had become out of this beautiful woman full of life and humor ! It's really hard to see her now, but I think I have to visit her as long as she realizes that I am there. And that she does. I didn't stay long not even an hour because she fell asleep again and I left with a heavy heart. For the first time I thought, will I see her again ? 

It was beautiful the next day and after lunch I tried to walk for half an hour in our park, recommended by my lung doctor, I didn't make it so I stopped sat on a bench and admired the park from the other side !

I was all alone with a lot of birds chirping and two of the castle cats laying in the grass in the sun.

Then we had our daily activity, mimics ! We got a card with a subject written on it for example "baby" and you had to mimic it and the others had to find out what it was.

It was a lot of fun, I had to mimic a model, which was easy, but then roller skates which was more difficult and took a bit of time until they found out.

The week ended then with chatting, coffee and cookies and at 5 pm we went inside.

 While we were playing, a male nurse came with a scale and weighed us all. My weight hasn't changed and one was overjoyed that she had gained 2kg! She was very thin when she arrived here.

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.


  1. It really annoys me when people make these ridiculous claims about things being the longest, highest, widest etc when you know it isn't true. Glad you are trying to improve your walking when the weather is suitable. Sad to hear about Nicole. You have been such good friends for so many years.

  2. You are being well cared for in every respect.
    It annoys me when people patronise older people, instead of finding out just what interesting experiences they have had.
    I'm sorry to hear about Nicole.

  3. Good for you for walking. I need to do that more often. The mimicking game sounds fun. Too bad the speaker over-embellished his facts. It's sad to hear about Nicole's situation. I agree, it's good to go visit even if it's a short time. At least she'll know you remember and care about her.

  4. Old people never travel? Good grief.. the last cruise I went in was carefully designed for the over 55s since younger families didn't have enough time or money to travel. The lectures, activities and tours were ideal! The retired or semi retired people had done their reading very well before leaving home.

  5. As the weather improves, you will be able to walk more and more. Keep it up.
    It is hard to see a dear friend wasting away. But she values your visits I am sure.
    You do seem to have way too much fun where you live!

  6. I am sorry your friend is so poorly. May, when the time comes, they have someone they know beside them as a final image and memory of friendship, love and kindness. I can but imagine how boring the talk was, especially as you are well travelled and knowledgable. Thank goodness there is some pleasure to be had in the activities, and that you are away from the previous apartment and any issues. What a beautiful park, also.

  7. You are lucky to have such a pretty park to walk i. Well done for trying. Keep it up. You sure do have lots of activities in your castle. So sorry to hear about your friend Nicole. You had such good times together. Are you still driving? I had my op last week and I mustnt drive for 2 weeks. three days to go.

  8. Your park really is beautiful and it's good to get outside and move no matter how far you walked! Gosh, I'd probably fall and break my neck if I tried to mimic roller-skating. Maybe even if I tried to mimic a model . I nearly tripped just walking on the boardwalk in the park last week. (Of course I was trying to take a picture and walk at the same time, not a good idea!).... I am so sorry about Nicole. My Aunt who lived to 105 told me that the hardest part of getting old for her was seeing loved ones and good friends suffer -- harder than dealing with her own ailments she said. But you already know this .


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