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Susanne at Living to tell the Story
1. I really can't say that this week had any favorite days, autumn is in the air and I don't like this at all. On top it rained and it was cold, just to stay inside and remain under cover. But I went to Ikea, just for a little walk, and came back with bedsheets, nothing very exciting.
2. I had to say good bye to the women who were with me in the acqua gym group during the school holidays, next monday I will start with a new group and go there every monday.
I also mowed my little piece of lawn and stuck some fake flowers in the pots becaused the petunias with all that rain are almost dead !
3. We had a real snail invasion and I have so many snail shells in all forms and shapes, that I am thinking about selling them on Ebay to snail shell collectors ! The once you see here, were in and around our mailbox only ! I killed them with a special product.
4. As nearly every week I went with a girlfriend to my favorite Thai restaurant and we had a delicious meal.

We had the daily lunch plate but you have the choice of 6 different plates. I always take the same, noodles with beef and chicken and take away an extra plate for Mr. G to eat for supper, that's practical, I don't have to cook and he loves it.
5. The rest of my time I spent photo hunting with my little
digital camera, and then with the photos on my computer. When I think that I never liked to take pictures, because I was too lazy to buy a film, put it in, pay attention that the first shot was right, run to the shop to get it developped, wait for a week to be disappointed by the result and had to pay a lot of money.

Arthur is tired of playing my model
Now I take at least 3 times the same picture, do more then 100 at one time, delete what I don't like and keep the others on my computer ! What a wonderful invention !