To my taste he looked like a monster, he must be full of complexes and hides himself behind the tattoo. For him it must be a big effort to agree to his father's wish and let his tattoo cover from a professional make up artist. Then he disappeared for 4 hours for the make up !
and here his face is shown before and after. When he discovered himself in the mirror he couldn't believe that what he saw was himself ! Then father and son fell into each other's arms. Dad was happy but son didn't think he was so pretty but agreed to having his face painted for family events, like weddings and funerals. That's something !
On Friday I had an appointment with my pneumologist. For once I was a bit scared. Rick who always cheered me up wasn't there anymore, but my pneumologist who knows me for quite a while was in a good mood, told me that he will change my medication and said that it was normal that my results were not really on the top, but with all I had gone through the last 4 years it was not abnormal either. I didn't know that the COPD is sensitive to stress, anxiety etc and reacts with asthma attacks. Now I understood better. Then he told me to enjoy life, travel and meet a young man ! I agreed to everything except the young man and made a gesture as if I would strangle him. We both laughed and then I went home, and all my black thoughts had disappeared.