That's Waterloo's main street ! Rather wet isn't it ?
As my friends are in the same case, what do we do ? We get together and chat ! That's less boring.
2. Fortunately I have my blogwork. I have finally time to file my pictures in the right folders read blogs, make comments and surf the net for all kind of things. I have also continued to read this blog since its very beginning and have noticed that I already complained about the weather ! My neighbor is again hospitalized and her daughter asked me to walk the dog once in the afternoon, which I did with pleasure, the funny thing was, it stopped raining probably because I went outside.
3. It's interesting to read and also how blogging has changed, less funny games and themes we played together as groups. Many old bloggers have moved to Facebook, which is not the same at all, or to this useless Google+, where you are not even allowed to comment on blogs without becoming member of this thing.
4. Nicole had a new TV channel provider installed which comes together with internet and telephone in a package. I went over to connect her tablet to her own internet and we also tried out the new channels. The only one who enjoys rain is Charlie the dog, he doesn't bother to be wet like a sponge.
5. We had lunch together in the "Lunch Garden" having Charlie with us is always a lot of fun because everybody who loves dogs asks if they could pet him, how old he is and start to chat about their own dogs or cats.

This time Charlie was especially happy because for lunch we had half a chicken !He was delighted that it was too much for us and kindly helped us to finish the plate ! He never begs, he only puts his head on my lap and looks at me ! Who could resist such a look.