more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.
1.What a boring week ! On Monday morning after a rather sleepless night with wild dreams I don't remember, I felt so lousy that I took my temperature and I had 38.5°C (101 F) ! That was fever. It didn't worry me too much because I belong to the people who have high fever or nothing.
Mr. G. called the doctor, he stated that I had a relapse of my bronchitis I had just before I went on my UK tour. All this is Shakespeare's fault and the cat in Stratford upon Avon (see post below) It was so sunny that I forgot the wind and hadn't dressed properly.
2. Mr. G is a very efficient nurse, he ran to the pharmacy got everything for me and informed all people around that his poor wife was almost dying in her bed ! Then he watched with eagle eyes that I took my medication in time and checked twice, with the result that he got on my nerves. He also popped in all 5 min to ask if I am feeling better, which made me feeling worse. I like to be alone hide in a corner (in this case behind my computer) and suffer in silence until I feel better.Don't tell me what a kind and loving husband he is, he makes me think of people who ask sleeping people if they are sleeping !

The flowers I had bought needed to be planted so with waggling knees and under the watchful eyes of Mr. G. I managed to put them in the earth. They should spread out and cover the earth completely. Then exhausted I watched TV. Mr. G. tidied up behind me and after this big effort collapsed himself. What a couple !
4. I had a lot of phone calls from friends and neighbors who wanted to know if I was still alive. I was.
Dominique visited me keeping "long distance" to bring over her "Piou Piou" the canary which will stay with us for 10 days in the guest room, far away from the cats.

Still Arthur once managed to sneak in and slept on the cage ! The canary didn't mind. It looked almost like that, only that his head and the paws were hanging over the cage !
5. I had to go for my car check up, and I drove to the Garage. Mr. G. followed me and dropped me off at Nicole's for a drink until my car would be ready. I arrived and felt as if I had climbed the Mount Everest !

We sat on her terrace and I admired the beautiful garden of her neighbor who is 82 and has no gardener !!
I told her about my UK trip and if I am not too weak maybe I will join her on Sunday at the Belgian coast where she has a flat at the seafront. The air of the seaside is always good for an ending bronchitis !