Instead of getting better it's getting worse ! Not everybody can be a medical miracle like Mr. Trump who defeated the Coronavirus in three days but had the opportunity to infect all people working for him and around him, which is very generous I think !
Anyway we were less lucky and couldn't even scrabble on Monday, which was the very first time since we started our Scrabble club. Three of us were still sick, and I still was feeling quite weak, so we cancelled it and everybody stayed at home ! I don't know what I did this day probably not very much or nothing.
On Wednesday I went with Mr G to a shop who sells and adjusts hearing aids ! He pretended he didn't need one anymore, but I was fed up to shout all the time and repeat everything twice or remind him that I had told him but of course he hasn't heard !
I noticed that all hard of hearing people, pretend that they hear very well and even if they have an hearing aid, don't put them on. I even know somebody who understands always only half of the subject the rest she invents and puts on her hearing aid only when her son comes for a visit !
We found a very nice one which doesn't work with these tiny batteries but with a charger ! Very easy to handle you put the hearing aids on the charger during night and in the morning it's ready again for 16 h. At least I don't need to shout anymore or only sometimes because he hears, but doesn't listen which is also typical for someone who doesn't hear so why should he listen ?
Slowly I filled the empty shelf with some cats, but then was interrupted so I will continue another day !
As usual we wanted to have lunch together but again there were 3 missing so we cancelled this too !
Meanwhile the Sanitary rules have changed again and it becomes more and more difficult to understand. Now you can invite 4 people, and be 4 people in a restaurant (I will take two tables then, if we are more then 4 ) the restaurants remain open in the whole country, but they completely close all bars, and cafes and brasseries in Brussels ! And only in Brussels ! That's also a stupid rule, because the next little town is not far away or even across the street, where you can stay until 11 pm as it is the case in Waterloo. Therefore the bar owners are expecting a lot of people from Brussels !! Nothing has changed however for the public transport, where people are squeezed together like sardines in a can and no distance can be respected.
All this absorbs my energy and at the end I just stay home; where should I go ? I don't like shopping, especially now, to go for a walk in a park is also impossible because of the awful weather, wind and rain.
Finally I went with M. to a shop which sells almost everything, and I bought a pyjama some household products, little trays and this !
Since we have to wear masks I think this one is better then the boring white or blue one and nobody can tell me that I don't respect the rules ! I only hope if ever I am stopped by the police they won't faint when I show them my face !
Halloween is not much celebrated in Belgium in the French part a bit but mostly for the children. I thought next time when I have my grandson on Whatsapp, I will say him hello with my new face ! That will be a surprise !! He doesn't know Halloween either because he lives in Amsterdam.
Now another week is over and until mid November nothing will happen, we will continue staying home and meet friends (not more then 4, but I have always been bad in mathematics)