Nevertheless I went to my aqua gym and my misfortunes continued, the water was cold for the first time since I go there ! It got a bit better with the movements but everybody complained and we were freezing. One even left the class ! When I went out the snow had disappeared, but my mood hadn't got better, I am so fed up with this cold, I stayed home pottered around did some blogging and watched TV.
2. Mr. G. had got a big bone for Charlie, Nicole's dog. As it was too big and Charlie protests if you want to take his bone away when it's only half eaten, he took an axe and cut it in two !
So Charlie had two pieces I gave him one when I went to Nicole to keep her company, she slowly gets crazy not to be able to move around as usual and has to keep quiet. She had gone to another doctor who told her that it was not the muscle, but still the rip which she had broken which hurts so much and it takes long to heal at her age ! The only thing she can do is rest and take strong pain killers !
3. I got a sudden energy attack and cleaned the two boards which are hanging over my bed.

I took all cats down and cleaned them and then the board and then I put everything back. For that I had to kneel on my bed, which my cats found rather strange.
4. The sun had come out and we wanted to go for a little walk with Charlie, but the wind was so strong that it was impossible to stay outside for a long time. So we went to the Mont St. Jean farm, the only place where you get the feeling to sit outside because of the beautiful views over the fields and still you sit in a comfortable leather chair in the warmth.
When we arrived we made a little tour and Charlie found a storage room which was full of bottles with wine and wine barrels. We discussed if we should steel some or not, but we are honest women and refrained the temptation.

There is also a souvenir shop in front of the Brasserie and we had a look inside. They sell a lot of Waterloo beer, which now exists even as dark beer and in different alcohol content levels. We chatted with the salesman and he said that this beer had a lot of success. It had been created for the bicentenary of the battle of Waterloo.
5. We have two new ladies in our painting class, who are very nice and fit in the group which is very important too.

After a few years I suddenly had enough of Acryl painting and switched over to pastel which I had already used long time ago. Fortunately what I had learned about pastel painting came back, just like somebody who had rode a bike and after a long pause is surprised that he had nothing forgotten.