"Dirt" pictures are here
The official definition of a womanizer is this :
"The terms womanizer (or womaniser), playboy, philanderer, player and rake have been used to refer to a man who engages in love affairs with women he cannot or will not marry or commit to. The love affairs are typically sexually motivated, with little emotional attachment. The most famous of these may be Giacomo Casanova who lived from 1725 to 1798".
For a woman it's much shorter, if she behaves the same way, she is a slut !
I have met quite a lot in my life and I just hate them. I can smell them for miles ! They are always the same type, or very handsome or very charming or both. Usually they also have a very big mouth and of course are very sure of themselves, but if they fall on an equal partner it doesn't last very long. If they feel that the girl is not responding to their charm, he wouldn't insist, there are so many other girls around who would listen to all his stupidities with big admiring eyes. He can't allow himself a defeat ! What would his male admirers think ! No new hunting trophy in his album ?
Usually they are all married some with a very strong woman where he has nothing to say and who knows him too well to play his game or to a sweet little housewife who raises his children and takes very good care of his little self and stays in the shade of his glory.
They always talk a lot of blabla and praise themselves and of course promise the heaven on earth. Unfortunately there are many women who are unable to look through their game and strongly believe that he will leave his wife and marry her. Strangely enough he never finds the moment to talk to his wife. So that can last for a couple of years.
I probably was vaccinated against this kind of man because of my father who counted amongst them too. When I met a man and felt that he was talking the same blabla and behaving the same way as my father, I had all hairs dressed up and became very mockingly or made fun of them. This behaviour they couldn't stand of course and turned tail and flee. I had two friends who always fell for these kind of man and I lost their friendship for a while because I warned them. Of course they didn't believe me and even thought I was jalous. One came back after this adventure and regretted that she hadn't listen to me, but the other refused and didn't want to see me again, because probably she had to admit that I was right. So much suffering for nothing.
It doesn't happen very often that a man leaves his wife for another woman. It is far too complicated and men usually hate complications. The best thing is stay away from married man, unless you only intend to have a nice adventure !
Typical attitudes of a womanizer :

coming home satisfied

Thinking about how to tell to all his friends (exaggerating a bit)

and then a well earned sleep