14 Sept 2007


When was the last time you visited a hospital?

Visited ? I visit museums or expositions, but hospitals ? I think the last time I was there was for a gynecological check up. Not very romantic.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how ambitious are you?

What for ? I had a lot of luck so far without any effort. I would say 1

Make a sentence using the letters of a body part. (Example: (mouth) My other ukelele tings healthily.)

Always such silly questions !

Main Course
If you were to start a club, what would the subject matter be, and what would you name it?

In Blogworld I have done this already a club for cat lovers CATS ON TUESDAY want to join ??
In real life I don't like clubs it makes me think of sheeps in a herd. I prefer a group, like my Painting Group.

What color is the carpet/flooring in your home?

I have no carpet I have tiles color creme. On these are laying oriental rugs everywhere and they have all colors. They are camel prooved so even cats can use them for their pedicure.

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Garda Lake Mr. Gattino's home country

When you read this I sit in our car and we drive to Italy, to the Garda Lake exactly. It is located in the North of Italy and surrounded by beautiful high mountains.

I hope I will find an internet connection as soon as we arrive. Then you will hear from me again.

13 Sept 2007


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13 rather awkward things which happened to me

1. I pulled a chair towards me and did'nt notice that our mayor just intended to sit down. He fell on the floor. Since then he always recognizes me in the street.

2. On a ball organized by the city I drank Sangria then dansed a waltz with a personality, got dizzy pulled him down we fell and two other couples with us. But I am still invited for a dance, but don't drink Sangria anymore.

3. Mr. Gattino woke up in the middle of the night, he had dreamed he was on a beach and listened to the waves, but it was his wife standing in the middle of the bedroom throwing up.

4. He stood up and ran to his friend to ask for a bucket the friend woke up and threw up too. We had discussed about the pope for a few hours with a lot of some wine.

5. I went to my office one morning and hadn't noticed that I was still wearing my slippers and no shoes.

6. I couldn't find my slippers and looked in the whole house, Mr. Gattino found them in the fridge when he looked for something to eat.

7. I went to the restroom and returned with my skirt tucked in my slip and crossed the whole restaurant without noticing it. But the other guests did.

8. I told a lady that her father would wait outside, unfortunately it was her husband !

9. I went in a pub and ordered a pint of spider instead of cider.

10. I opened the door withouth my glasses and took our neighbor for a Jehova Witness. He was very pleased.

11. I alerted a whole army in a shopping center because my car was stolen before I realized that I had taken Mr. Gattino's car and not mine.

12. I opened the assistant Manager's door after knocking, and found her with a man making love on her desk. I closed the door quickly.

13. In a museum I asked a man for the restrooms but it was a wax figure.

Did you realize that today it is really Thursday thirteen ?

12 Sept 2007


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11 Sept 2007


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Japan is happy ! The heir of the japonese crown Prince Hisahito, is one year old ! What an event ! His father Prince Akishino finally made it after two girls Princess Mako and Princess Kako (not very much phantasy for names) he produced a male ! Poor brother who would be the next emperor only made a girl and now his wife is too old ! My heart is bleeding.

Prince Harry forgot to pick up his girl friend from Heathrow Airport when she arrived on Thursday morning.Discovering her royal love was nowhere to be seen, the pretty blonde put in a quick call and then settled down to wait out the 40 minutes it took him to get there. Upon his arrival the soldier Prince looked slightly flustered, having left the pretty blonde to face photographers alone after she holed up in an airport coffee shop. Well, that's not nice ! Especially of a prince he should act as a gentleman !

Prince Harry in Snapper Rage ! FURIOUS Prince Harry flies into a violent rage at a photographer yesterday, screaming: “I’ll punch you in the f***ing face.”The incident happened in London’s trendy King’s Road at 2.30am after Chelsy — who had given Harry, 22, an earbashing when he was late collecting her from Heathrow on Thursday — stormed out of a nearby flat. At least he is normal ! Apparently he has inherited more from his mothers family and not from the boring Windsors !

Tens of thousands of chanting, bare-breasted maidens have paraded before the King of Swaziland Mswati III so that he could choose a new bride from among the maidens to add to his current 13 wives ! Oh boy ! He will have a lot of work !

and now to some other news.

Daniel says "yes" to film sex ! SAUCY Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe yesterday admitted he would romp on camera if a movie role required it. Imagine ! Harry Potter in erotic situations ! My world breaks down, although I never read a Potter book.

The actor Ben Kingsley has secretly married a Brazilian former waitress half his age. The 63-year-old Oscar winner is said to have made bit part-actress Daniela Barbosa de Carneiro, 34, his fourth wife. Strange I wonder why 63 year old woman never finds a man of 34 ?? That's not normal.

A Norvegian family had booked a flight from Oslo to Rhodes in Greece to spent there their holidays. But instead of booking London - Rhodes they spelled it wrong and booked London - Rodez in France. To their big surprise instead of a sunny island they discovered the flat green land of Rodez. Apparently it was not the first time that tourists took the wrong flight. I am convinced they went to school with me and didn't pay attention in geography !

In Russia an unopened beer bottle containing a used condom had been bought by a man. It had been amongst the last beer delivery to the shop. The man now claims indemnification because he is now unable to drink bottled beer. Poor guy ! I hope he doesn't find a tampax when he drinks wine now !

Inhabitants of a very residential and chic area in Moscou have banned all russian cars. In their opinion they are too noisy and polluting. The square meter in this area costs (only) between 15.000 and 20.000 $. I found the rich Russians' behaviour in Egypt more noisy and polluting and their way of eating with fingers sometimes wasn't very chic either. Being rich doesn't mean to be educated !

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These two pictures show the WTC on September 13 and today.

And what have polititicians learned out of this tragedy ? Bin Laden is still hiding happily somewhere in the world and Irak is paying a huge tribute for so said freedom. More and more soldiers and civilians are dying every day for nothing. So the only wish I have for this day, STOP THE WARS !!

10 Sept 2007


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Pookie had no clue that the rapid was not a real one !

There are many things I had no clue of ! For example I didn't know the game Cluedo, which North Americans call "Clue" where players attempt to solve a murder. The solution to the murder requires the three components of Suspect, Weapon, and Room. Sounds quite interesting to me ! Only the weapon bothers me I would prefer poison, that's more feminine.

I didn't have any clue either that your blog can be rated PG 13 "Parents strongly cautioned" because I had written once about an obstructed toilet pipe which had to be sucked out. As before I had described roman statues without penis, they put the two words together and I became a kind of "dirty writer". It wasn't my fault that they fell off with the time ! Whoever does this rating must really have a rather dirty mind ! Please avoid to write about your kids when they suck their thumbs.

The fact when you write about your personal political or religious opinions is not appreciated either. I had no clue of that because I live in a free country where you can say that your prime minister or president is an idiot and should better go to hell, the King is a stupid guy who only costs money or that god doesn't exist and it's all nonsense. Then you can get very unpolite and agressive comments.

In my innocence I had no clue that spams exist and can only admire the dirty phantasy of their creators ! They must be very unhappy and grudging people otherwise how can a human being be such a writing trash bin !

I also have no clue how Mo finds the words for us ! Does he ask his cat to step on a page and looks at the word where the paw is ? Or maybe with his chickens ? Or does he just close his eyes and puts his finger on a text in a book and picks out the word ? I hope it's not a book with antic sculptures where sometimes delicate parts fall off ! Or does he double a car and hear the word &@#$§# and proposes this the next time ? Better ask him ....

And now I am curious to find out of what the other MM members had no clue !

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9 Sept 2007


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to a cruise stop in London ! I guide you to the southern End Croydon !
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A few baloons and a drink before with a special toast to our Captain Mrs. Lifecruiser !!
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We enter here
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I've been tagged by Linda for this onion meme. I wonder if the inventor really counted the layers and if all onions have 11. Please check. I can't do it because I cry too much. That's why I have to peel off 11 layers of myself.

On the Outside

Name: Gattina, Louise, Jacqueline, Jeanine, Dominique, Margarete, Emma, Chantal, Ilona etc. (A friend of Mr. Gattino gave all his 3 children 12 names !)
Birth Date: July, 8 last century
Current Status: sitting
Eye Color: green brown
Hair Color: blond

On the Inside

My Heritage: Can't tell because of eventual upcoming taxes
My Fear: SpidersImage Hosted by ImageShack.us

My weaknesses: moments of
My Perfect Pizza: tomato, mozarella,

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

My thoughts first waking up : Coffee !! Feed the cats (mostly the other way around because cats are meauwing)
My bedtime : When I am tired or in love
My most missed memory: the datas on my hard disk when cat Lisa had peed on it.

My Pick

Pepsi or coke : Water
Single or group dates : both
Adidas or Nike : none, cheap and chic
Tea or Nestea : Fruit teas
Chocolate or Vanilla : none, too sweet
Cappuccino or Coffee : Coffee of course !

Do You ****?

Smoke : Of course I just started some 15 years ago !
Take a shower : not now !
Have a crush : yes with my car (but only a little one)
Think you’ve been in love : Once upon a time ....
Go to school : awful time
Want to get married : after being widow perhaps, but I very much doubt
Believe in yourself : depends what
Think you’re a health freak : If eating colored kitchen* yes. M&M's excluded of course!

In the Past

Drank alcohol : Oh yes !
Gone to the mall : who hasn't
Been on stage : of course and I am still performing every day
Eaten sushi : unfortunately
Dyed your hair : still do

Have You Ever***?

Played a stripping game : Every evening to put on my pajama

Hoping : to win in lotery without playing

Get married: Can't, am already !

In A Guy

Best eye colour : blue or brown
Best hair colour : dark
Short hair or long hair : short but not too short

What were you doing

A minute ago : fed cat Lisa
Hour ago : fed cat Lisa
Month ago : fed cat Lisa
Year ago : fed cat Lisa

Finish This Sentence

I love : a lot of things
I feel : in a good mood
I hate : waiting
I hide : myself when Jehova witness ring at the door
I miss : my car keys, they must have legs
I need : to go to the restroom

and now I should tag other people but I don't know whom. Those who are attracted by this onion meme : please help yourself but tell me I am only a little curious !

* : Colored kitchen is eating a lot of vegetables
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