Japan is happy ! The heir of the japonese crown Prince Hisahito, is one year old !
What an event ! His father Prince Akishino finally made it after two girls Princess Mako and Princess Kako (not very much phantasy for names) he produced a male ! Poor brother who would be the next emperor only made a girl and now his wife is too old ! My heart is bleeding.
Prince Harry forgot to pick up his girl friend from Heathrow Airport when she arrived on Thursday morning.Discovering her royal love was nowhere to be seen, the pretty blonde put in a quick call and then settled down to wait out the 40 minutes it took him to get there. Upon his arrival the soldier Prince looked slightly flustered, having left the pretty blonde to face photographers alone after she holed up in an airport coffee shop. Well, that's not nice ! Especially of a prince he should act as a gentleman !
Prince Harry in Snapper Rage ! FURIOUS Prince Harry flies into a violent rage at a photographer yesterday, screaming: “I’ll punch you in the f***ing face.”The incident happened in London’s trendy King’s Road at 2.30am after Chelsy — who had given Harry, 22, an earbashing when he was late collecting her from Heathrow on Thursday — stormed out of a nearby flat. At least he is normal ! Apparently he has inherited more from his mothers family and not from the boring Windsors !
Tens of thousands of chanting, bare-breasted maidens have paraded before the King of Swaziland Mswati III so that he could choose a new bride from among the maidens to add to his current 13 wives ! Oh boy ! He will have a lot of work !
and now to some other news.
Daniel says "yes" to film sex ! SAUCY Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe yesterday admitted he would romp on camera if a movie role required it. Imagine ! Harry Potter in erotic situations ! My world breaks down, although I never read a Potter book.
The actor Ben Kingsley has secretly married a Brazilian former waitress half his age. The 63-year-old Oscar winner is said to have made bit part-actress Daniela Barbosa de Carneiro, 34, his fourth wife. Strange I wonder why 63 year old woman never finds a man of 34 ?? That's not normal.
A Norvegian family had booked a flight from Oslo to Rhodes in Greece to spent there their holidays. But instead of booking London - Rhodes they spelled it wrong and booked London - Rodez in France. To their big surprise instead of a sunny island they discovered the flat green land of Rodez. Apparently it was not the first time that tourists took the wrong flight. I am convinced they went to school with me and didn't pay attention in geography !
In Russia an unopened beer bottle containing a used condom had been bought by a man. It had been amongst the last beer delivery to the shop. The man now claims indemnification because he is now unable to drink bottled beer. Poor guy ! I hope he doesn't find a tampax when he drinks wine now !
Inhabitants of a very residential and chic area in Moscou have banned all russian cars. In their opinion they are too noisy and polluting. The square meter in this area costs (only) between 15.000 and 20.000 $. I found the rich Russians' behaviour in Egypt more noisy and polluting and their way of eating with fingers sometimes wasn't very chic either. Being rich doesn't mean to be educated !