23 Aug 2024


This will be a very short FFF ! I started with a heavy cold on Monday and was feeling terribly the whole week long ! My nose was running and I just felt awful. I remained in my room and watched TV. 

My son meanwhile had left Italy and sent me photos from the lake Geneva where he visited an old school friend whom he had met here in Waterloo, when the Swiss boys father worked in Belgium. They remained friends over all these years, meanwhile married and with a son each. They seemed to have a nice time and I saw that Toby my grandson has grown again and has now reached 1.92 m with his 13 years ! 

The school friend had a motor boat and my men drove it across the lake and surfed too. They had a lot of fun.

 It was nice of him to share his holidays with his old mum, sick in bed and with a depressed mood.

On Thursday it was such a nice warm weather, that I went outside for the first time, sat in the sunshine and enjoyed to be outside again. 

Walking in the park I saw something blue laying on the ground and when I approached I saw a Alzheimer sick resident laying on the ground and screaming "help" of course nobody heard him there was only another resident gardening, but she is deaf. I called the reception and said that somebody had fallen in the park, I don't know his name, I call him Mr. Banana, because he walks always with a banana in his mouth. He doesn't talk and often has only one shoe on. 

In no time 3 nurses and 2 men came running towards the blue spot and with a lot of difficulties they pulled him onto a bench and first looked where and how he was injured. Then they put him in a wheelchair and came back. Nothing serious had happened and an hour later he was again walking in the park with a banana in his mouth !

On Friday I took my car for the first time in the whole week and went to the pharmacy and also bought some fruits in a shop. Exhausted I returned home, I am still quite weak.  

more participants at Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

22 Aug 2024



1. What's the last thing you completely overreacted to ? 

It certainly happened but I don't remember when ! Here in my castle it's difficult to overreact, as the people are peaceful and the personnel very kind. I feel protected from the outside world, and there I have no reason to overreact either and I am not the person to loose her temper while driving in a lot of traffic. 

2. Your top five snacks ? 

I really don't know, I love cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, cheese cubes etc 

3. What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate.

Two smells. When I smell the smell of trees in the forest, I think of my childhood when I went into the woods with my grandfather early in the morning to watch deer and other wild animals. But when I smell the perfume "Miss Dior" I have to think of my dying aunt who had skin cancer and whom I sprayed with my "eau de toilette" because she liked it so much as she didn't support her own smell. Since then I don't like perfumes anymore !

4. What's something you learned from the last book you read? 

I think I have probably read an entire library! I was a real bookworm, I started reading books when I was 10 and stopped when I was 75 because I suddenly preferred reading blog posts, because some of them were so interesting. If I have learned something from the last book I read, then I don't remember because I don't remember the last book I read.

5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?

Clothes for winter ! I don't know why in summer and I am in my room which has the whole year long the same temperature, I dress in a T-shirt in summer and a pullover with long sleeves in winter ??

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Now that our Covid lock down for a week is finished and we are not confined anymore in our rooms, I have started a cold and have a running nose since 3 days. On top I feel lousy. Therefore I remain in my room and wait that I feel better. Anyway I always eat in my room and outside I could go, but I feel a little weak. This was an occasion to delete photos in my Google album, to win space. 


21 Aug 2024


If you have time and only a few people are on the Grand Place in Brussels, you can detect a lot of  golden  details : 


and every two years you can admire a carpet of flowers, this one is from this year. Every year it is a different pattern

more participants here, and Image-in-ing

19 Aug 2024



Who is the most beautiful in all the land?


Have a nice trip






A real quiet Weekend, it was warm and I spend the afternoon in our park. The weather was nice, sunny with a few clouds and warm. 

I had seen the Flower Carpet of the Grand'Place in Brussels on TV and thought that this year I will only see it this way, because in the past I had often gone by car to Brussels, at 6 am in the morning when the place was still tourist free, and almost empty. One of the cafés had the door open and I asked if I could go to the third floor to take pictures and I was allowed and even served a coffee ! From up there I had a gorgeous view on the whole carpet. 

This year I took the pictures from my TV, now I am out of work at 6 am and later there are too many people. Driving in Brussels has changed a lot, you are allowed to drive at 30km/h only and lot of streets are closed and only for pedestrians. 

The flowers are placed one by one by volunteers until the pattern is finished.

and when it's finished it looks like this. Thousands of tourists come from all corners of the world to admire this beautiful carpet which is made every two years. 

On Sunday it was a bit cooler but still warm, I wrote my posts, answered comments, and after lunch I went outside with the intention to walk a bit around the park. But then came some others and we started to chat, The coffee arrived and then a woman whose husband passed away two weeks ago, he had the same illness as Rick. We became friends so we could talk about our grief. 

She had already served as Rosie's pedicure, and that went without any problems, with me she won't let cut her claws ! We talked about our lives which had changed so much and then she returned home and I went to join the others still on the terrace. Then suddenly it became cool and we all returned to our rooms.