1. What's the last thing you completely overreacted to ?
It certainly happened but I don't remember when ! Here in my castle it's difficult to overreact, as the people are peaceful and the personnel very kind. I feel protected from the outside world, and there I have no reason to overreact either and I am not the person to loose her temper while driving in a lot of traffic.
2. Your top five snacks ?
I really don't know, I love cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, cheese cubes etc

3. What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate.
Two smells. When I smell the smell of trees in the forest, I think of my childhood when I went into the woods with my grandfather early in the morning to watch deer and other wild animals. But when I smell the perfume "Miss Dior" I have to think of my dying aunt who had skin cancer and whom I sprayed with my "eau de toilette" because she liked it so much as she didn't support her own smell. Since then I don't like perfumes anymore !
4. What's something you learned from the last book you read?
I think I have probably read an entire library! I was a real bookworm, I started reading books when I was 10 and stopped when I was 75 because I suddenly preferred reading blog posts, because some of them were so interesting. If I have learned something from the last book I read, then I don't remember because I don't remember the last book I read.
5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?
Clothes for winter ! I don't know why in summer and I am in my room which has the whole year long the same temperature, I dress in a T-shirt in summer and a pullover with long sleeves in winter ??
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Now that our Covid lock down for a week is finished and we are not confined anymore in our rooms, I have started a cold and have a running nose since 3 days. On top I feel lousy. Therefore I remain in my room and wait that I feel better. Anyway I always eat in my room and outside I could go, but I feel a little weak. This was an occasion to delete photos in my Google album, to win space.
It is ironic that you go down with a cold just as restrictions are lifted. I hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteYour mentioned perfume and my grandmother used to use a Dior perfume. My mother loved the Eau de Cologne we bought for her when we were in Cologne (Köln).
ReplyDeleteI am thinking of you at the moment as I sit and look out over Lake Garda. I am sure I read on one of your posts that you know this area.
ReplyDelete5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?
ReplyDeleteI retired from the work force Dec 2019, bought nice summer clothes for the holidays, had the retirement party in January 2020 and went into the first Covid lockdown in Feb 2020. I haven't bought a single thing since then, not even a pair of knee-high stockings. So the next things on the to-buy lists are bathers, bras and undies, dresses, summer slacks, fancy shirts and summer hats.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well just as restrictions are lifted. I hope you feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking more on giving away clothes , rather than buying. I feel I've got enough of them both for summer and winter.
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better soon!!!