Helps you to remember what you have done on the weekend of January 1st . You never know if you need an alibi ! If you participate please put the little logo on the top of your post and leave your link.As the majority of this world, we celebrated New Year's Eve. We didn't go out, we stayed home.
I even was too lazy to prepare something special as I had done the three past years, this time I took the phone and called the new Sushi shop which had opened in Waterloo and ordered two menues. It was punctually delivred in the afternoon
and I thought if it tastes like it looks then it will be perfect. And it was ! We got a delicious soup, a carot salad and 13 sushis each. The whole thing for two people 27 € ! I think we never had such a cheap and good meal on New Year's Eve and I had no work.
We watched some TV and at midnight I wanted to see the fireworks going on outside, but it was so foggy that I could only hear the noise and see some lights as if somebody had thrown some lighters in the air. It was a real pity and poor cat Arthur disappeared in my wardrobe for nothing except the noise of course. And we wished each other a good year and disappeared in our beds. A very exciting New Years Eve !
To begin the new year, when I opened the stores I had this wonderful view ! It was humid, cold, and foggy and I could hardly see my neighbor's house just in front. Arthur poses to prove that it was really the first of January ! I hope the rest of the year will be a little better.
The phone rang quiet often to wish us a happy New Year and I too was hanging on the phone for a little time. Mr. G. would say for hours of course ! As I had nothing to do I took the opportunity and made new headers for all my blogs, I suddenly was so fed up with Christmas decoration and became allergic against all angels and Santas.
Therefore the next day I asked Mr. G. to get the suitcase in which I store the Christmas stuff. I worked for nearly two hours until everything had disappeared. Of course I dropped an angel who broke in 100000 pieces, but there is a German proverb saying that shards bring luck. Hopefully it's right. Fortunately it hasn't been a figure out of our nativity scene the darlings of Mr. G !
Late afternoon we were invited by Dominique together with all our neighbors for the annual New Year drink. We had Champagne and salmon on toast and other little delicious things and had a lot of fun. The 92 year old boyfriend of Vivi and also our neighbor, is such an amusing person, he seemed younger to me than the 16 year old Philip who was also there. Jean had been a pilot in the 50th where he transported white people in the Congo (a former colony of Belgium) from one place to another. My belly hurt so much I laughed !
Then we slipped home over the still icy street, but arrived home safely. We did like the Arabic women, we walked behind our men, so in case there was a slippery spot they would fall first. (