I grew up just after world war II and as it was in Germany, it seemed completely normal to me that most of the city districts where I lived (Bonn) was in ruins. It had been destroyed to 80 %. Why it was that way I didn't know and it didn't bother me either. For me it was fun and places to play and discover new adventures.
We used to play in a ruin, which must have been a beautiful house. The garden was completely overgrown by weeds but some beautiful red flowers still got through and gave it a very special look. Of course the basement was not destroyed so that we had a roof over our heads which was especially nice when the weather was bad.
There we found old, half rotten dolls, plush animals and other toys. It was a real tresure hunting for us kids. We also found porcelan plates, cook wear and cuttlery. That the inhabitants of this house were probably dead came never in our mind, not even the fact that somebody had lived here. This ruin was a real paradise for us ! We could play with everything we found, made little living rooms and kitchens and play hide and seek. So many places to hide ! Nobody cared about what we were playing there our parents included, they all had other worries in mind.
There also was a hill with a big wood and there we played too of course. Once one of us suddenly disappeared and then screemed for help, we took a closer look and noticed that she had fallen in a hole which let to a hiding place which probably had been occupied by soldiers. We found subterranian alleys to explore and also rusty cookwear. We even found an old soldier's cap and books. It was so interesting ! Once we also found a foetus, which we didn't know of course what it was, we thought it was a strange doll. I don't even remember what we did with it.
Today it sounds like a quite careless behavior of our parents, because playing in ruins could be very dangerous. But back then it was part of normal life. These were our attraction parks to go in and play we didn't even have to pay an entrance fee, it was all free. (but at what a price !)