I was one of the first vintage ladies who bought one, the others were afraid it would bite. Of course I was very proud of my new gadget. The only thing was, not a lot of people had cellphones and calling on a normal telephone was very expensive. But never mind I had it. It was big and rather heavy but all this didn't matter.

Shortly after I had bought it, maybe 2 weeks later I had to put it on charge, and then the catastrophe happened ! I had put the charger besides the oven and the cellphone on the extractor hood while I heated water to cook Spaghettis. When I dropped the Spaghettis into the boiling water, the package touched the cable of the charger and my brand new cellphone dropped into the Spaghettis ! Of course it was completely broken, I had to fish it out amongst the cooking Spaghettis and tried to dry it but it was useless.
After supper Mr. G. declared that these were the most expensive Spaghettis he had eaten in his whole life ! I was so angry with myself !
I bought a new one, and of course never ever I put something on charge on top of the extractor !

Today cellphones are still in use, but have become half of the size of the first once and are replaced more and more by I-phones or Smartphones. I don't know if this is the only item where the price dropped from 340 € to 17 €, which is enormous ! Unfortunately food and clothes didn't follow !

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