The weather changed again and summer seems far away ! Fortunately we have our games in the afternoon and that's always a nice distraction. This time we did a memory game, glasses containing a little colored ball were lined up and you had to keep in mind in which order they were standing. Then the box was turned around and you had to tell in which order the glasses stood. I was quite good, when it comes to colors I keep them in mind, so I won each time !

It was really fun, because some were completely colorblind !
My friend Laure had returned from Norway and was thrilled by the beautiful landscapes and the fact that the sun was still shining at 1 a.m. if it wasn't hidden behind the clouds, because unfortunately the poor girl had bad weather. The pictures I saw reminded me of the Scottish Highlands and I thought I didn't need to go to Norway, I've already seen Sweden, Denmark and Finland, the northern countries of Europe.
I had been interviewed by an employee for the local Newspaper and I have got a copy. You can see my picture where I look like a monk besides the 100 year old resident. She is the oldest and I had the funniest story how I found the castle and I am also amongst the youngest. Both of us will have their birthday now in July, she 101 and I 81 ! I nearly feel like a teenager !
We played bowling inside, in our huge restaurant under the beautiful crystal chandeliers, of course not with real balls but with light plastic balls. I won twice ! I thought this is very "posh" to play bowling under crystal chandeliers !
One afternoon the sun dared to come out for a few hours and we took the opportunity to play "petanque" on the lawn. It was very windy and I was feeling cold, so I played once, nearly killed Elinor our new animator and went inside to warm me up ! The others also wanted to go inside 19° was a bit too cold for the elderly.
On the last day of the week our Manager invited us for a "Good Bye" drink, because he is leaving, he will be the General Manager of the whole group of these residences. Of course we would have preferred that he would stay, but fortunately his assistant a very kind young lady will replace him, she has the same ideas of a senior residence and the well being of the residents. We were all pleased to hear that, it's always better to take a person we know then a stranger. After a glass of Champagne (Italian, Pro Secco) I went in my room for lunch. On the picture below one of our physiotherapists, came to show us his 4 month old daughter. Was he proud !! It was really cute to see all the grandmas or great great grandmas admiring the baby !
I stayed home the rest of the week, I am so fed up to always wear winter clothes ! When it was hot for three days, I realized that I have no clothes for real hot weather and I ordered a few blouses on Internet. As soon as this was done, the weather changed and I had to wear warm clothes again and now my new "feathers" are hanging in my wardrobe !